~ Chapter Thirty Nine ~

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Penelope's POV:

The leaves of the bush in front of me slapped against my face as I awaited the coming presence of a specific person.. I had business to deal with, and I was growing extremely impatient while waiting for the given person to actually arrive..

Head low, hiding myself as much as possible as I peered through the gently swaying leaves, watching to see if anyone was approaching my hiding spot. I had been waiting for over an hour now, and I had specifically ordered the person I needed to see, in this current situation, to meet me in this exact spot; though, there was no sign of him just yet..

Just as my endless thoughts came to a dramatic end, I finally spotted a familiar figure making its way towards the bush I was eagerly sad behind..

His black hair bringing shade go his flaming eyes, skin a brilliant white and dressed in a strict butlers' uniform, a mysterious black form that was highlighted through my grey eyes.. He was finally here..

'Penelope,' the person began, as he approached my spot; staring down at me hungrily, with deadly eyes. 'You have asked for me to meet you here. What is it?'

'.. Theodore..' I hastily mumbled, signalling for the seemingly humble butler to follow me as I journeyed myself into a small forest behind me, attempting to adjust to a more comfortable setting, one which was more ideal for conversing with such..

'Why are you so late?' I then questioned, as the two of us stood within the depths of the forest, hidden by the monstrous trees that loomed above us like a mossy blanket, shielding a treasure that was soon to be stolen..

'If you haven't already established, I am a butler, aswell as you were, before the death of your master,' the intriguing man stated the obvious, his voice boring my ears as I rolled my eyes, drawing a fallen strand of my white hair behind my ear. 'M'Lady takes some time to get ready in the morning, therefore I shan't leave without knowing that she is settled into the day.'

'I suppose that's a decent excuse,' I reasoned, now trying to change the subject in order to get to my point, before it was too late. 'Anyway, I have called you here today to discuss something about the contract we have made a month, or two, ago.'

'Ah yes,' the butler excitedly said, his tone lighting up at the remembrance of the conerningly frightening contract he'd made with me months ago, in exchange for my soul, the last time he'd seen Lord Charles L/n - my old master; the day of his tragic, yet brutal death..

'The contract.'

'Hmm..' I hummed in response, the mention of this topic still bringing a shiver down my spine. 'Well, if I recall correctly, I made three wishes that day; One, to get revenge on my mother who had ruined my rather pitiful life, at the time.. Two, to earn a proper home, one that'll leave me satisfied before my utter death.. Finally, three; to learn the truth about my secretive family, to find my lost sister..'

'That is correct,' Theodore agreed, tapping his chin and nodding, though not understand the whole reason as to why he was even standing here in this present moment, at my request.

'So,' I began, tapping my fingers together ambitiously and licking my lips, ready to state the matter that'd been itching for me to tell someone for so long now. 'I wanted to begin working towards my wishes. I would recommend to begin with my third wish; to learn the truth.'

A pause took place as I longingly stared at the interesting butler, waiting for a response and attempting to at least introspect a valid guess of what he was thinking, currently.

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