~ Chapter Thirty Five ~

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The bright, morning daylight soon faded into a medium shade of blue, meaning that the day had developed meanwhile your and Alois' peaceful outing. The two of you, and your butlers began making your way back to the Trancy estate as the visitor was expected to be arriving soon.

Alois had comforted you and informed you that you do not need to have a change of attire as of the guest's arrival, he wasn't anyone that you'd want to impress, afterall..

You arrived by the door of the mansion, your hand clutched onto Alois', and fingers interwined. Claude unlocked the doors and you entered the manor, slowly. You studied the entrance hall - the sight of it still impressed you even to this day. It was so grand and bright, unlike the entrance hall back at your father's estate, which was rather grey or black than anything else.

'Y/n..' Alois began, looking (down/up) at you. 'Don't stress or anything about the awaiting arrival of my "uncle", he just needs to introduce himself and then I'll make sure he leaves and doesn't bother us ever again, okay?'

'Okay,' you nodded, smiling reassuringly at him. 'I'm not worried, I just haven't heard anything good about him at all since you've mentioned-'

Though, before you could finish your sentence, a loud knock was heard by the door. It was a good thing that the four of you had made your way back to the manor a few minutes ago as the guest had come just after you'd done..

'I'll open it,' Theodore mumbled, turning around and making his way to the door - of which was only a few meters away.

As he unlocked the ajar doors, revealing an unfamiliar, plump figure of whom stood by the threshold. He wore a brown suit, and a white shirt underneath - though, it didn't seem to fit him very well.

'Uncle Arnold..' Alois said, sounding unbothered, as he turned around to face his non-biological relative; brother of the man whom had ruined part of his childhood..


I'm glad that my past had worked out successfully, that I managed to take the name of Trancy and actually make something of it. The moment that I figured out I could've easily just taken the old, dead, perverted previous Trancy's name and steal his mansion and money was nothing more than pure excitement.

Though, everything comes with its negatives - and the negative of my vengeful achievement was having to put up with the dead Trancy's brother; Arnold Trancy.

He was a pain in the ass, and he was just as much of a pervert and pedo as his brother was. I didn't want him anywhere near my dear Y/n, I couldn't let anything happen to her, which is why I had to stay near her at all times while this bastard was here.

I glanced (down/up/across) at her quickly, surprised to see that she had no emotion shown upon her face what so ever. She'd managed to endure a straight face while I assumed her to be disgusted or terrified by this strange old man.

That was an aspect of her in which I had always admired.. How she was always able to maintain her calm during the most stressful and aggrevating situations. The mystery of her, how intrigued I was when I first saw her. Nobody could ever make out how she was feeling, unless you knew her very closely..

I wrapped one of my arm around her waist, as I was standing beside her, and tightened my grip onto her.

'Alois Trancy,' Arnold, the previous Trancy's brother, said. 'A pleasure to see you again,' he added, his voice hinted with sarcasm and dread.

I suddenly felt my blood boil with anger. How dare he give me attitude, I'm the one who kept his stupid family name alive after the death of his brother, I could easily just burn down this stupid mansion and he'd have nothing left of his will!

𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 || Alois Trancy x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now