Chapter Sixteen

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How? What a complete miracle, just after you'd accepted your humble death, you'd somehow miraculously survived the fall, ending up exactly where you'd intended to be..


Lifting yourself sharply with your weakened arms, leaves dusting against your skin as you grasped onto your suitcase beside you, making a final escape into the distant woods before you, eyes fixed upon the trees of which stood quite afar, legs rapidly trudging against the moistened soil below you..

The wind of the night's atmospherical breeze brushing against your face, pushing your H/c hair away from view, all you could hear was the aggravating sound of raindrops pattering against your own, fretted skin, saturating your aching scalp and earning a silent groan from you..

You then took a sharp turn towards the woodlands, wrists aching due to the great heaviness of your own bag, of which carried your prized belongings as you dragged it against the grassy Earth beneath you, the dirtied wheels creating merciless indents within the softened soil beneath..

The sound of the wind rusting against the leaves causing you to stop in your place, panting aggressively as you leaned against your exhausted thighs, glancing behind you, pleased to realise that you were rather far away from your own mansion; meaning that it'd be wise to take a break from whatever else you were expecting to fulfil..

Anew, the rain began to fall heavier, gaining weight within its' pervaded droplets as you felt the great gashes imprinted upon your own palms sting immensely due to the rubbing action you'd produced while regaining your own, steady breath.

Scowling, you made your way towards a large tree, resting beneath its' comforting leaves and leaning upon its' firm trunk, failing to worry about the dirt planting itself upon your elegant gown, eyes gradually closing, a comforting shiver rushing down your spine as you felt yourself softly drift into a tranquil slumber..

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As further morning hours undeviatingly approached, you found your hazy eye-lids languidly loosening their tightened firmness upon your restless eyeballs, dizziness accompanying your awakening as you found your vision to be strangely wafting around, heart pulping at an unsteady pace..

It'd taken you a few mere seconds to recall the risky actions from the previous night, the familiar sensation of the distant wind brushing its' delicate fingers through your tender hair causing you to smile, an action of pure relief. 

You then stood to your feet, feeling the numbness ooze from your own bones, muscles tensing as you winced, the discomfort you'd felt evident upon your lethargic, S/t features. 

Gaze shifting to view your own state, your eyes instantly widening as you lay your pupils upon your clothing of which was coated with a thick layer of dirt, stray grass and mud accompanying this as you scoffed out of complete disgust.

You didn't recall getting so dirty last night..

"What's the time?" you muttered to yourself, kneeling down and hearing a faint crack emitting itself from your stiffened bones, however ignoring it as you unzipped your suitcase, getting ahold of both a pocket-watch and a cloak, an unflattering choice in clothing, you'd even admitted yourself, albeit you merely couldn't care less as you were more focused upon where you were to go next..

You needed to leave somewhere further, somewhere where nobody would even think to search for you.. 

It was currently twelve o'clock in the afternoon, meaning that Theodore was already long awake, he must've realised your disappearance by now, so he was surely sent to search for you.. 

𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 || Alois Trancy x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now