Chapter 1

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"Miss Jennings?"

Alex sat up straighter. "Yeah, that's me."

The lady stopped where she was. "Oh, my goodness! Are you Alexandra?"

This was not the first time that this had happened. After Alex had banished Aven to a painting within the Library to be contained forevermore, she had been viewed as one of the greatest heroes in all of Medora. Alex didn't like the way that everyone kept their distance, as if they thought she would suddenly scream a war cry and impale them with A'enara. There was so much awe in their eyes that Alex was uncomfortable with it all.

However, her friends had been there to support her, including Kaiden. He was sitting beside her in the waiting room, and squeezed her hand comfortingly. After graduating from Akarnae as an apprentice, Kaiden had joined the Wardens and was now a Sword. Alex was a year behind him, having stayed as an apprentice in both Combat and SAS, but now she was pursuing the same career, just like Jordan, Bear and D.C. had said that they would too.

Alex stood and said, "Yes, I'm Alex."

The lady must have sensed her discomfort because she simply nodded and motioned for Alex to follow her down the corridor. "This way, please," she said, all business again.

Looking back at Kaiden, she saw confidence in his eyes. Confidence in her. Alex offered a small smile before following the lady.

Alex was led into a room with three Wardens in it, including the lady. They were Swords. She sat opposite them.

"Alexandra Jennings?" clarified the Sword in the middle.

Alex had to hide a smile. It was Jeera, who was looking at her with a serious face but amused eyes. "Yes," was all Alex said.

"Great," said Jeera, with those same amused eyes. "Now, you're responding to our request for you to join the Swords, yes?"

Alex nodded.

"In that case, we'll just ask you a few questions, and you can be on your way. Sound good?"

Alex nodded again, barely managing to stop her lips from twitching.

"So, Miss Jennings, can you tell me . . . "


When Alex emerged from the room, it was with a big smile and bright eyes. She was a Sword now! With Kaiden and Jeera! It was probably due mostly to Alex's Meyarin abilities, and the whole saving-the-world business, but nevertheless, she was glad. 

Kaiden grinned as he saw Alex's expression and swept her up in his arms. "I knew you could do it!" he congratulated her warmly.

"Jeera was my evaluator," Alex told him.

Kaiden chuckled. "You would have gotten in even if she wasn't."

Alex appreciated his unwavering faith in her and smiled at him. "All right, let's get out of here. Jordan said he's got a surprise, and I want to know what it is."

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