Chapter 7

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Alex sprinted towards Xira and Aven, but it was no use. Aven raised Xira's golden heart to his mouth. In the middle of the battlefield that was once Akarnae, Alex doubled over and retched until there was nothing left to throw up. Slowly raising her eyes from the ground, she could do nothing but watch as Aven bit into Xira's heart, golden blood dribbling down his chin, the glee in his eyes unmistakeable.

She heard Kaiden scream her name, felt the protective field envelop her as Kaiden used his dying moment to save her. She saw everyone drop.

Everyone she had ever loved...

...was dead.

"Kaiden!" she cried. "K-Kaiden!"

The image of his beautiful blue eyes staring out into nothing would haunt her even in death.

Then Athora had given her a Gate of Time, and many people still died, but more had survived the bloodshed at Akarnae that day.

"Alex? Hey, Alex. Alex!"

She woke up to the sound of Kaiden repeatedly calling her name. She noticed the tears stinging her cheeks, and the soreness of her throat.

"Yes?" she said, wincing at her raspy voice.

"You were screaming my name," Kaiden told her. "And crying everywhere. I figured you wanted me, so what's up?"

Alex understood his attempt at light-heartedness and saw his concern.

"I just... that day at Akarnae, I didn't think we'd actually win. And I remember thinking how I couldn't stand the thought of losing you again. Losing you all again. But it didn't happen..."

Alex's eyes widened as she realised what she'd given away. Her sleepy self had done it now.

Alex had never told her friends about the alternate timeline.

No one knew except Xira, who had to know to get out of Akarnae in time.

"Losing us all... again?" Kaiden said quietly, uncertainty flickering in his eyes.

Alex couldn't hold his gaze. "You were already carrying the burden of what happened," she whispered. "You didn't need to carry the burden of what might have happened, too. What didn't happen... but almost did."

Kaiden tilted her chin up gently so that she had to look him in his eyes. They were full of compassion, full of understanding. "What happened, Alex?" he asked her softly.

Then Alex told him. She told him what she'd never told anyone before. She told him about Aven eating Xira's heart, she told him about his sacrifice, she told him about Athora's gift. His dying gift. How she'd felt like slowly, her soul was crumbling away, how she felt like she was breaking inside.

"Sometimes I wonder," she confided in a shaky voice. "What would my life be like if I hadn't gone back to the Library? If I'd kept living in that world where you were all – you were all –" Alex broke off and began sobbing into his shoulder.

"You didn't have to carry that burden alone," Kaiden whispered compassionately. Then he wrapped his arms around her tightly. She was safe. It didn't matter where she was, as long as Kaiden was with her, she was safe.

You feel safe with me.

Alex had never forgotten the words that had been told to her all those years ago, by the Kaiden that her subconscious had conjured up. It mightn't have been the real Kaiden, but it was true; she did feel safe with him, and she had come to accept and embrace that.

When her sobs eventually eased, she fell asleep still holding on to Kaiden, as if the mere feeling of his arms around her would protect her from danger.

Sorry this chapter was short, I just wanted a little fluffy chapter on Kailex. I hope you liked it!

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