Chapter One: Hasty Assumptions

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The day was only hitting its peak at the Obsidian Palace where Emperor Jaskaran and his two advisors held a meeting in the grand drawing room. They sat at a round, polished stone table with another naiad and a merman with a shark's tail. The dim light of the glowfish chandelier above them left dramatic shadows on their faces as they feasted on their luncheon and discussed matters light-heartedly. The meeting seemed to be going very well for the emperor and his advisors until a booming voice jolted the smooth current surrounding them.

"I require a word with His Majesty! Immediately."

Jaskaran paused for a moment to eye who had dared interrupted them. When he recognized it was his wife, he breathed a heavy sigh and addressed his guests. "I apologize for this. Please wait outside, we shouldn't be long."

His guests and advisors politely exited the drawing room without a word, but bowed to the empress and left the two alone. Jaskaran endeavored to remain calm as he approached Renée, who stood beside a large desk chipped from stone and painted in gold. They both waited to speak until the door was closed.

"What is it, Renée?" Jaskaran asked.

"I just returned from the miracle worker and she threatened me," Renée whined.

"How so?"

"She blamed me for Nadia's illness! She said that if I don't cure my mood within a year, we'll have to send Nadia to shore. And she'll be cursed!"

"Then you'd better lighten up, Renée," Jaskaran growled.

Renée gazed at her husband in disappointed shock. "You mean you're not going to do anything about this?"

"What would you have me do, Renée? I've done everything to make you happy, to make you comfortable in my palace! I've allowed you to remain at Nadia's bedside even though everyone advised me not to, and besides that I've done everything in my power to provide Nadia with the best treatment in all the seas!"

Renée was taken aback. "Surely you don't blame me for her illness too!"

"No, I'm to blame as well for letting you poison her with your negativity despite the warnings of numerous miracle workers and advisors!"

"I beg your pardon!"

"Renée, my father believed that there is a noble reason behind everything the miracle worker says and does, thus I trust the same, and you should too. It is apparent to me that you have a mighty task at hand. I urge you to let me know what it is that I can do to aid you for Nadia's good."

"You can have that wretched eel executed and find another miracle worker to heal Nadia!" said Renée as she glared at Jaskaran with her crystal eyes.

"There are no more miracle workers, Renée! This is our last chance! Now did she say anything else I should know about?"

"She said that Nadia's condition will not worsen until my time is up. And she gave me this key." Renée handed the key to Jaskaran. "She said it'll tell me how much time I have left. She also said to keep it hidden, otherwise it'll hinder my ability to find happiness."

"I see you're doing well with that," the emperor deadpanned.

"You know what, Jaskaran," Renée spat. "If you're not going to help then hand me the key and get back to your meeting."

"No, I'm keeping the key so that it remains hidden like the miracle worker directed. Now leave and tell Flint and Maine to return with our guests. I need to complete this meeting."

Renée hesitated for a moment to try and think of something to say to get the key back, but Emperor Jaskaran shot her a look that told her to leave. So she did.

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