Chapter Fifteen: The Deal

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Empress Renée was confused. She furrowed her eyebrows and waited for an explanation from the Mystery Miracle Worker. However, she didn't get one.

"I thought we had already established that I won't give you the key," she said.

"Yes, and then I figured, 'what if she didn't need the key?'" the Miracle Worker replied. "You see, Empress, I know of an entrance into the Cataras Springs where you don't need a key. You can enter from beneath the island in which the garden is located."

Renée processed these words. "I still need the key to know how much time I have left."

"How does the key show you?" asked the Miracle Worker. She held out her hand to receive the key.

The empress hesitated, but handed the key over. "When the rose has completely bloomed, my time is up."

The Miracle Worker examined the key. "How long ago did you receive it?"

"About a year and seven months ago I think," Renée answered.

"At what stage was the rose?"

"It was a bud barely opening."

The Miracle Worker calculated for a moment and then handed the key back to the empress. "You have just under five weeks left."

"How can you be so sure?" Renée asked.

"Estimation based on calculation," the Miracle Worker answered. "Just take my word for it. You have approximately four weeks, maybe a couple of days more left."

"She's pure human," Stephocra explained further. "Statistically, humans are more knowledgeable than other ethnicities. She's more likely to provide you with an accurate estimate."

"True, but they are also more emotional than most," Renée replied. "Perhaps she's desperate for the key."

"What does it matter if you don't need it anymore?" the Miracle Worker asked. "I have another way for you to enter the Springs which doesn't require the key, and you'll be there the very same day you leave Roznova."

Renée considered. "You said it's on an island. Do you mean one of the Continent Islands?"

"Yes," said the Miracle Worker. "If you give me the key, I'll tell you how to enter the Springs from beneath the island. It's much easier and it'll save you time. You'll even have time to wait for Rein to finish recovering. How does that sound?"

It was clear that Renée considered the offer. The Miracle Worker had no reason to keep her from saving Nadia, what would she gain from that? Surely this offer was true and beneficial to them both.

"Are you sure it's easier and faster?" she asked.

"I'm positive."

Renée took a while longer to consider before she finally handed over the key.

"Wonderful," said the Miracle Worker as she took the key. She dropped it down her purple blouse before she continued speaking. "Now, you must pay close attention. It's only fast and easy when you remember every little detail."

"I'm listening," Renée replied.

"Do you know where Carnific is?" the Miracle Worker asked as she set her stew down on her end table.


"Very well, I'll show you later, but the Cataras Springs are in the core of the island. Once you arrive at Carnific, look for the underwater entrance to the island. It will be the biggest cave you find. It's very large and rocky inside, so it's easy to get lost. Continue straight until you reach the volcanoes and, I suppose you can call them, 'ice chambers.' They're... rooms that are completely frozen. After the first few chambers, there will be an opening (maybe more than one), which will not be an ice chamber or contain an underwater volcano. Turn right at the first opening. You'll see bubbles containing different sea creatures that seem to decorate the area. That is how you'll know you're in the right place. Continue onward. It will get darker before it gets lighter. From what I've heard, a lot of sirens live there. I haven't heard good things about sirens, but it may be different for you. I thought I'd warn you just in case.

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