Chapter Four: The Proposition

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The two pirates who had taken Rein captive returned to the cabin with the captain just as the jar containing Rein began to tumble off the desk. Immediately the captain dove for the jar and caught it just moments before it shattered on the floor.

"What did ya do?" the captain scolded as he brought himself back to his feet.

"We left the jar on the desk so it wouldn't roll like that, Cap'n," the first pirate said. "She musta did that herself."

The second pirate observed Rein closely. "She don't look so good."

"You fools!" the captain exclaimed as he removed the lid. "She's suffocating 'cause ya put the lid on the jar!" He poured the limp pixie into his hand and set the jar on his desk. "Return to yer posts, ya bottle-heads."

"Aye, Cap'n," they both replied shamefully.

The captain laid Rein on his desk and waited for her to regain her strength. "Can ya hear me, Little Pixie?" he asked.

Rein's head buzzed in sync with her fuzzy vision. She glanced around in search for the owner of the voice speaking to her. "Please," Rein managed to say between breaths. "Don't..."

"I ain't gonna hurt ya," the captain assured as he took his seat behind his desk. Now she could see who spoke to her, though he appeared as a large, red and brown blur. "I just wanna talk to ya. But if ya need yer rest, I completely understand."

"What will happen... if I sleep?" Rein asked as her vision only depleted further.

"Absolutely nothing. Again, I wanna talk to ya."

"I don't want... to sleep..." and then the world went black.


Rein awoke to find herself most comfortable on a velvet handkerchief placed inside an ornate ebony cigar case. She slowly sat up inside and took a moment to gather where she was, how she got there, and why she was there. Then, she quietly peered through the keyhole to see what was happening outside, but was unable to conclude anything besides the fact that she was still on the captain's desk. She poked her head out of the keyhole and glanced around some more.

The cabin was elegant for a pirate captain. The entire ship appeared to be made of redwood—a great material for ship-building on Xyntriav. It also released a faint scent of forest that mixed beautifully with that of saltwater. It seemed the captain was well-read as he had two bookcases filled to the brim with books. Due to the windows being stained glass and draped with cotton, mahogany curtains, as well as the quality furniture and abundance of treasures which decorated the cabin, Rein could tell that the captain had refined taste. Then judging by the pieces that represented his many rumored adventures, Rein came to the accurate conclusion that she was trapped on the Blood Omen: the ship of the infamous Captain Tzatara. It was said that he had never been defeated and that he had found at least two Xyntriav World Wonders, making him the most respected and feared pirate in the world.

Rein was about to attempt to squeeze through the keyhole of the box in which she was encased when she heard the cabin doors open to a conversation between the captain and one of his crew. She quickly ducked back inside and listened closely.

"Ya don't understand, Cap'n," said the voice of the crew member. "We must do something before someone on Arcor finds out about The Pelican."

"They won't find out," replied the captain. "Unless a sea rat from our boat blabs when we return."

"And what about the supplies? What's Arcor gonna do?"

"When The Pelican doesn't make berth, they'll send for another cargo ship."

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