Chapter Two

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I looked at myself in front of my floor to ceiling mirror, studying my stomach. I was currently in my cosy two bedroom apartment, I gave up my last one in New York but this one was so much better. It was a few minutes walk from the office and a coffee shop of the end of the street. A separate kitchen and living area and both of which were a fairly reasonable size. Two bathrooms and two bedrooms. A spare bedroom I would soon need to use.

I couldn't sleep the entire night and I looked like hell. I had a million thoughts running through my head and at four am this morning, I gave up resulting in pulling out a book to try and help me sleep, even that didn't work.

I remembered the events of yesterday afternoon clear as day. Carrie went into the pharmacy for me and bought a bunch of pregnancy tests, I felt immobile. A walking zombie with the shock coursing through my body and a million what ifs. She really was the best and she was the closest friend to me at this point in my life.

Carrie sat with me on the edge of my bed, a timer set on her smartphone. Even in a crisis she's calm and organised...another admiration point. The three minute wait felt like a three year wait.

"The tests should be ready now." Carrie smiled softly towards me, "Do you want to go and check or will I?"

I felt like I couldn't move. Those tests sitting on the bathroom countertop have the power and control to change my life forever. Life as I had known it will be gone. What the hell would I tell Grey? I haven't spoken to him two months.

"Can you?" I spoke up trying to muster a smile on my face.

I listened as her heels tapped along my hardwood floors and into the bathroom. How am I going to tell my family? A baby out of wedlock, my Mum would be ecstatic. God this is such a mess.

"Emily your pregnant." Carrie called out.

The good news was that I wasn't in shock anymore. The idea of having a mini me running around didn't seem so bad the thought actually made me smile. The thing that was clouding over my parade was that my baby's Father couldn't be regular guy with a normal career. He was a rockstar, eye porn to readers of the media, known in every country and so famous it was sickening.

Our baby wouldn't have the normal life that we did as kids growing up, from birth they would be thrown into the media spotlight. I didn't want that but it may have to be something that I learn to accept or work around. I had no intention of keeping this from Grey, if he didn't want anything to do with the baby then I would respect his decision because right now in this mess it might be the easiest road to take.

However that's when I was thinking for myself and I couldn't step in the way of our baby having a relationship with him. I couldn't be so single minded.

I sighed averting my eyes back to my stomach in the mirror. I had noticed a few changes on my body and there was definitely the starts of a small bump beginning to form. It was easy to hide for now but my knockers were not. They were sore, heavy and tender. They looked massive.

Yesterday I would have been proud of my growing lady parts and played it off with admiration, today was completely different. How could I have been so wrapped up in life that I couldn't look or listen to what my body was telling me?

I lifted my phone and scrolled down my contacts. I don't know why I was looking because I couldn't tell him like this but maybe if I contacted with general chit chat it would break the ice?

I sighed throwing my phone on my bed. General chit chat Emily, really? I hadn't spoke to him in two months and he was loved up with some leggy model. I never want to do something that would hurt him no matter what he did to me. This is his first commitment to a relationship besides me and I respect that, it means that he's moving on.

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