No Escape

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His phone was very annoying because it kept repeating that he was unreachable. Being desperate, she tried to feel his presence, something she had never done before because he hated the invasion of privacy. Elders were not to be messed with and if they felt someone was searching for them, they could return the favor in an unpleasant manner. Sometimes they hid their presence, but most of them didn't bother doing that because it required an effort and lesser beings were not worth it. Better to retaliate, release the inner beast on someone weaker, and then feel good afterward.

Madeleine almost never sweats as a vampire, but now she knew she needed a shower as small reddish drops invaded her white sweater. She concentrated on the expanse beneath the stars and the lonely moon, but all she discovered was silence. Usually, she was good at sensing others, her powers were strong for her age, yet no one was there, not even Luke. She did suspect the younger vampire was being cautious and wanted to remain hidden because he shared territory with two other members of the species, but Oliver was never scared of others. He wouldn't remain hidden, there was simply no need.

Damn, why was he not out there?

Ok, no need to be frightened immediately. The whole idea behind the project was to test her limits, and she did find those who could help her. So, she will deal with this smug elder who was driving her insane. She hated him now, despised him for playing with her ambitions, but what did she expect? Support from someone like him? How did she always manage to fall for this idiocy was a never-ending mystery.

She won't throw a fit. She doesn't need anyone anymore, neither to follow nor to love, and she will get her chance to prove her worth.

She checked the email account one more time and saw a few private messages sent by Luke who arrived yesterday in Zagreb.

Everything was in order, for now. He rented a house close to hers and went on a small tour of the city as it has been a while since he has been in this part of the world.

Unfortunately, she didn't really check the sent messages. As far as Madeleine was concerned, there will be only three people at the meeting.


The day, or night if you will it, has finally come. Una has been drinking with her dear friend Martina and was already a little bit drunk as she entered tram no. 14. The damn thing will take her down the tracks of a clouded reality and she couldn't wait to bring the whole affair to an end.

There are no vampires out there and they have never been real.

But, as she descended from the tram at its last stop, a dreadful feeling sat on her tired shoulders.

The night was very dark and the street lights were scarce and weak. She was walking on the sidewalk towards the meeting point, a big house some 200 meters ahead, and she felt somebody watching her. When her feet came to a sudden halt she slowly turned her head and saw a weird figure sitting on a lonely bench very close to her. It seemed almost transparent but there was no doubt it was a figure of a man. Although it had no eyes, Una knew the man was looking at her intently and its deceptively sluggish form emanated a powerful presence and force.

Her breath caught in her throat and she started running towards the house like a maniac on drugs, however, she was too slow to escape his dark voice in her head.

"Say hello to my dear friends and tell them that Oliver is no more."

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