{8} Baths

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Title: You two take a bath together.

tw: suggestive (?) themes, maybe implied smut in Rosie's part, naked bodies (obv...)


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Coming back from a 9-hour shift is never easy, especially if your co-worker is as incompetent as ever. So, all you wanted and needed was a hot shower to relieve yourself from negative energy also, because you felt a bit smelly. But before you did that you spotted your girlfriend on the bed, and you couldn't help but plop beside her and give her a peck on the cheek while mid-begging her to join you in the bathroom. She looked at you, with a soft smile plastered on her face, and agreed. In just a few seconds, you're both in the bathroom and you are ranting to her about your co-worker being a pain in the ass. 


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Jennie was a control freak, wanting everything to be neat and perfect when it came to her job. So, due to her constant need for perfection, she was severely overworked, or she was pushing herself on the edge. You loved your girlfriend dearly, but that doesn't mean you don't get to disagree with her or not worry about not properly taking care of herself. While brainstorming about what you should do to make her relax a little bit, you thought that a long relaxing bath would help her calm down a little. So, when she came back home, the bath was ready, and you were waiting for her. She, at first, seemed a bit shocked, but who was she to refuse some relaxing time with her girlfriend?

 She, at first, seemed a bit shocked, but who was she to refuse some relaxing time with her girlfriend?

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After 3 years of being together and never getting to celebrate your anniversary, Chaeyoung and you finally had a day off. Chaeyoung was a very romantic person, you knew that information since your first date. So, you knew you had to put a lot of effort into the way you were going to celebrate, and honestly, she deserved it. That is why you are locked in the bathroom for around half an hour now, and googling romantic ideas on "how to celebrate my anniversary". You decided to take a break and look around you, and that's when it hit you, a long relaxing bath with your girlfriend, with wine and some side dishes would be perfect. You went straight to work, and you finished just in time since you heard Chaeyoung unlocking the front door. When she stepped into the bathroom her jaw dropped, along with her clothes of course. (might make this one a one-shot)

 (might make this one a one-shot)

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It was 3 am when Lisa finally came back from practice, you stayed up late since you knew she was not going to come back earlier than 1 am. That was also the reason why you decided in the middle of the night to run your girlfriend a bath to wash her worries away. Lisa was surprised when she saw you awake with only a bathrobe on, you smiled at her and told her to join you, the exhaustion washed off her face real quick. She happily complied with your request and went to follow you into the bathroom, where she was met with a filled-up bathtub and lavender-scented candles scattered around the bathtub.  

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