Summer Wedding

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Summer Wedding

"I can't believe how nervous I am," Suki said as Azula put the finishing touches on her gown. "I mean, I thought I'd be a lot more calm than this. We've been together so long, you know?"

"It's perfectly natural to be nervous about getting married," Azula said. "At least that's what I've been told. I suppose the best thing to do is remember that the two of you have been living together as a family for a long time now, and this is really just the official stuff."

"Official stuff has never made me shake like this," Suki laughed. "I almost had to ask for help to put my makeup on. How does it look by the way?"

"It's fine," Azula answered without looking. She already knew that the pale white powder was evenly coated and that the red paint was perfect over Suki's eyes. Suki was just as much a perfectionist at this sort of thing as Azula was after all. "You might want to consider tripping on your way out there though. It's probably the only way your idiot soon-to-be-husband will be able to save face. You should have seen him putting on his suit earlier."

"That bad?"

"This is Sokka we're talking about."

"That bad."

Suki finally began to laugh. Azula had this gift for putting things into perspective at someone else's expense. This was a big moment in Suki's life, and she was glad that Azula would be there to share it with her. Since the time that Azula had come to stay with her and her fiancé, Suki had begun to think of Azula as the sister she never had. Granted she was usually cold and indifferent about nearly everything, but it was times like now that Suki was glad to have her.

Just then, there was a light knock on the door. Before either of the girls could utter a sound, the door cracked open just a bit and a voice came through the opening.

"Everyone dressed in there?"

"Come on in, Mom," Suki answered.

An older looking woman with long, caramel colored hair came in and stared at Azula and Suki. Along with her was a man that Azula knew was Suki's father. She was his spitting image from his eyes to his strong yet gentle presence. Azula took a step off to the side as Suki's mother walked towards them. The two of them had been popping into Sokka and Suki's home unannounced ever since their arrival a little more than a week ago and Azula had long since learned not to bother trying to tell them Suki was busy.

"You look absolutely marvelous," the woman beamed. "The dress does look just a little tight though."

"Mother, it's fine."

"No no no. It should be more loose around your legs and longer too. It's supposed to be elegant, not sexy."

"And why, pray tell, can't it be both?" Azula asked.

Suki's mother turned her eyes on Azula with an awe struck look on her face. Azula read Suki's face and saw the signs of strain as she tried to hold back her laughter. Her mother on the other hand had no signs of restraint whatsoever. Azula and her mother had gotten off on the wrong foot since day one, and things did not look like they were going to be any different today.

"And just who might you be to comment on my daughter's wedding dress?"

"In case you have forgotten, I made the dress," Azula replied sharply. "To Suki's figure, personality, and request. Do you have an issue with that?"

Suki's mother opened her mouth to answer, but Azula cut her off.

"Good. Now if you would go take your seats, we will be heading out there shortly."

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