Keeping With Tradition

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Keeping With Tradition

The party was already in full swing, and it was barely passed noon. Since around eleven o'clock, students had been showing up in groups to the biggest party of the summer. Toph was more than ready for it herself. She had been asked to stop helping set up for the party that morning after hanging the "Party Central" sign upside down at the door, and mixing the lemonade with salt instead of sugar. It was not her fault that they set the things down wrong. It the sugar had been where it was supposed to be and the sign had been set down properly, everything would have been fine. Besides, she did a great job on finding a DJ. The music was already blaring from the back porch area by the time everyone started showing up. Toph thought the volleyball net was a good touch too.

"Man, you went all out," Ethan said as he sat down next to her at the table. "They'll be talking about this for years."

"I thought that's what you wanted," Toph grinned. "There's supposed to be one of those bouncy room things on its way too, but the delivery people are either lazy or lost."

"Don't you think that's a bit much?" he asked.

"Nobody throws a party like Toph Bei Fong!" she announced proudly. "So why aren't you out there?"

"Just chillin' for a few," he said.

"Ethan!" Airis' voice called out. "Ethan, where are you? We're supposed to be getting more food out of the kitchen! I can't carry it all!"

"Break's over," he mumbled as he rose to his feet. "Hey, Toph?"


"Thanks for lettin' us do this at your place."

Toph had barely heard what he had mumbled through the noise, but she was sure she understod him properly. As he wandered off through the crowd, Toph decided it was about time that she went and found Twinkle Toes. Much easier said than done in this crowd though.

With all of the people bouncing around, dancing, and just plain making noise, it was hard for Toph to get her bearings. The feeling of being unable to find herself in her own house was starting to irritate her. Just as she was on the verge of screaming for everyone to shut up and stop moving for a second, someone grabbed her arm.

"Lost?" Zuko's voice asked as he dragged her to the wall.

"Shouldn't you be looking for Sugar Queen?" Toph asked in return.

"I know exactly where Katara is," he replied. "She's dancing with Ty Lee right over there."

Toph searched the floor for the familiar pair of vibrations. After a few moments, she was surprised at how close together they were. It was difficult to tell where Ty Lee's vibrations began and Katara's ended.

"Wow," was what Toph finally managed to say. "She really is letting loose."

"Yeah," Zuko said somewhat absently.

"What's with you?" Toph asked. "You've been different lately. You're, I dunno, happy. I gotta tell ya, it's kinda creepin' me out."

"What's wrong with me being happy?" Zuko asked her.

"It's not normal," Toph laughed. "What happened?"

"Nothing!" Zuko defended. "Well, something. Just nothing I wanna talk about."

"Does it have something to do with your dancing hottie over there?"

"I told her I love her, alright?" Zuko growled.

"Now that's the Hot Head I know," Toph laughed. "Geez, most guys spit that out just to get a girl. It took you what? Two years?"

"Three," Zuko answered.

Summer of ChangeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora