More Change

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More Change

He felt so ashamed of himself. How could he have let that happen? Granted nothing did happen, but still. The one time she actually needed him to be there and he was not there for her. After one week, Aang still could not let go of what he had done, or in this case what he had not done.

The party had been in full swing for at least an hour. Rather than sit inside and gradually lose his hearing to the loud music, Aang had made his escape out to the beach. The music was not much quieter out there, but at least he was not being squished between people he did not know. It was then that he had first spotted Azula tearing up the volleyball court with Ty Lee. The two of them were decimating each pair of opponents that challenged them. Ty Lee's speed and agility paired with Azula's ruthless aggression and precision went unmatched for three games before Aang decided to try his hand.

He had no idea who his partner was, but he had a feeling that even with an entire team on his side of the net there was no way they were going to win. Sure enough, Azula and Ty Lee trounced them. Not being one to give up, Aang found another partner and tried again. Besides, it was so much fun playing against the two of them. Azula actually looked like she was enjoying herself by the time he and a third partner had lost to them.

"Don't you know when you're outmatched?" she asked him with a victorious smile.

"Yup," he smiled to her in return. "Wanna go again?"

"Azula, can we take a break first?" Ty Lee asked. "I'm getting thirsty."

"Maybe later," Azula told him as she and Ty Lee walked towards the house. Aang only continued to smile. For someone so mean and cold, Azula had a nice side when she was in a good mood.

No longer having someone to pummel him at the volleyball net, Aang began to look for other things to occupy his time. The Bounce Palace that Toph had ordered on a last minute whim that morning had finally arrived and was ready to go, so he headed off in that direction. Aang was the first one in line. As a matter of fact, he was the only one in line. Apparently everyone else thought that it was a bit childish.

Oh well, he thought. More fun for me!

Aang threw himself against the walls of the Bounce Palace and belly flopped on the floor. The room bounced right along with him and his laughter could be heard as he jumped for the ceiling. He drew so much attention to himself that people were starting to come over and watch him. He began doing tightly tucked flips and rolls through the air and his audience began to clap and laugh at his acrobatics.

"Don't just watch!" he said. "Come in and try it!"

A few people took him up on the offer. Soon the Bounce Palace had a line that stretched nearly to the house. Of course Aang being Aang left the bouncy room soon after in order to give the next person in line his place. He had not really wanted to get out yet, but fair was fair. The music was still blaring from the house as he walked out to the water and dove head first into it. The realization that he was still wearing his jeans and t-shirt did not occur to him until after the fact.

"Having fun?" he heard someone ask.

It was a boy about his age. He was nearly as short as Toph with sun cooked skin. Clear evidence that the boy spent a lot of time outside at the beach. Well, that and the surfboards. He stood the two boards up in the sand as he sat himself down and crossed his legs.

"Liking the party?" Aang asked him.

"Totally thrillin' and chillin'," the boy replied.

"Nice boards."

"You surf?" he asked.

"Never have before," Aang answered.


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