Getting To Know You

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Getting To Know You

Seven people stood in the living room looking down on the two strangers now sitting on the couch. A young girl with dark brown hair stared back with nervousness shining in her hazel eyes. She rubbed her arms in a poor attempt to keep them from shaking. The other stranger did not seem nearly as rattled as her. He leaned back on the couch looking quite comfortable. Every so often he would brush his nearly black hair away from his sleepy looking light green eyes.

"You have five seconds to tell me who you are and what you're doing here before I call the cops!" Toph growled angrily. How dare these people try to break into her house?

"I'm sorry!" the girl said quickly. "My name is Airis, and this is Ethan. We didn't know anyone was here!"

"Of course you didn't," Azula said. "Who would be dumb enough to break into a house full of people?"

"No, that's not what I mean!" Airis said. "I meant we didn't know anyone was living here. Please, don't call the police!"

Toph watched the girl's vibrations carefully. It felt like she was about to have a panic attack with the way her heart was pounding and her breath was catching, but she was not lying. She clearly had no idea this was anything but an empty house. Her friend on the other hand was still just lying there as if he did not care one way or the other if the police were involved.

"You still have not answered the question," Kuzon said. "What were you doing trying to get in in the first place?"

"We were gonna have a party," the boy said lazily. "For summer break."

"A party?" Zuko asked. "In a stranger's house?"

"This place has been abandoned for years," Ethan said dully. "Big house, lotsa space, no neighbors. It's perfect. We figured we'd help ourselves since we wouldn't be putting anybody out."

"Be that as it may," Kuzon said. "This is still private property whether anyone is in the domicile or not."

"Right," Ethan agreed. "Now that someone's here, we'll just pack up and move the stuff somewhere else. No harm no foul."

"Wrong!" Toph yelled. "Major foul!"

How could this guy just act like this was no big deal? He broke into her home. Her sanctuary!

"Would you like me to call the authorities, miss?" Kuzon asked her.

"I don't really think that's necessary," Ty Lee answered for her. Toph turned her attention to Sugar Queen with a baleful look. "Come on, Tophy, they weren't going to do anything that bad. Let's just cut them a break."

"Yeah, Toph," Aang agreed. "You know that if it were us, we'd probably do the exact same thing."

"There's an idea. Why don't we just have the party?" Katara asked.

Everyone in the room turned to her. Did she really just say that? Did Katara just suggest having a party for a bunch of strangers?

"What are you talking about?" Toph asked.

"It would be fun," Katara smiled. "You wanted this to be a summer that we'll all always remember, right? What better way than with a massive party?"

"You can't be serious," Azula said. "Bring a bunch of strangers into the house and let them go wild?"

"Sure, why not?" Katara asked. "We did the same thing at Sokka's place."

"That was totally different," Aang said. "You guys knew those people."

"Most of them anyway," Toph muttered.

The prospect of a party was intriguing, but the feeling of her place being invaded still made Toph feel more than just a tad upset. She felt violated a little. These people had taken it upon themselves to come into her house and use it for themselves without even asking anyone. Like they had the right to come in. Still, she had to admit that she liked the way the kids thought. Aang was right. She would have done the same.

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