belt buckle

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*the group is sitting out in the courtyard on a nice day in the spring*

cho- hey blaise

*belly looks at emma, knowing damn well that she is gonna be jealous*

blaise- oh hey

*draco whispers to belly*

draco- em looks like she has murder in her eyes.

belly- hmm yea she's got jealousy issues. in about 5 seconds she going to hold blaises hand.

*belly counts down from 5, and when she gets to 5, em does in fact hold blaise hand. luna sees what's going on and tells fred and george to get the popcorn*

cho- uh so i was wondering if you wanted to study for transfiguration test tomorrow?

blaise- oh yea there is a test tomorrow. how many questions will be there?

*draco whispers to belly again*

draco- what's gonna happen now

belly- one of two things might happen. she will either take her other hand and rest it veryyyyyy high on his inner thigh or she will start to trace her hands across his belt buckle. believe it or not, but emma's evil. if you haven't noticed, she hasn't made eye contact with him the entire time. she's still maintaining a normal conversation with fred and george. she'll keep bugging blaise like this until he stops talking to cho.

draco- why is she doing this?

belly- it's for her own entertainment, but she's probably also jealous.

*at this moment emma puts her hand on blaise's buckle belt*

belly- i told you. this isn't her first rodeo. she is very skilled in pissing off men.

draco- i can tell. look at blaise's face.

belly- mhm if there is one think i like about em and blaise being together is that blaise doesn't put up with emmas shit like this. it makes for an interesting story later.

cho- i would say the-

blaise- cho it was nice talking to you but i have to go put someone in there place.

emma- ahh that would be me. see y'all later

*with that blaise drags emma away from every one and down to the slytherin dungeons*

then entire group- *in sync* bloody hell

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