ball gowns and bad bitches

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*bella and emma standing outside of the great hall waiting for their dates to the yule ball dressed in the picture above*

blaise- *walks up to the girls and looks emma up and down* hey em. we need to have a talk.

emma- what? uh ok.

blaise- im just kidding. but not really. one, the top of the dress shows way too much for my liking. 2, i cannot find miss rbf's boyfriend.

bella- hey its not my fault my face is like this. fuck off.

emma- wait- you havent seen malfoy? i couldve sworn i saw him go into the dungeons like twenty minutes ago. do you think hes constipated?

bella- oh hon youre so clueless. ill go check on him. you said the dungeons?

emma- yea im pretty sure

blaise- go get him tiger ;)

bella- blaise shut up

*bella walks down to the dungeons while calling out for draco oblivious to what was about to happen*

bella- draco? where are you we have to be at the ball in 10 minutes

*she decides to look in his dorm, as he isn't in the common room*

bella- draco? we literally have to be at the ball in like 5 minutes now

*she reaches him dorm and looks in to see him laying on him bed in pajamas, no where near close to being ready*

bella- what the fuck are you doing?? the ball starts like now!

draco- i'm not ready.

bella- wait what? we were literally planning this yesterday. what changed??

draco- oh i'm still going. i'm just not going with you.

bella- wait what?

draco- you're really that dense aren't you?

bella- i'm confused? what did i do?

draco- i know what you did, i'm not sure how you haven't figured it out

bella- can you explain?? i thought we were supposed to be working on the whole communication thing?

draco- i saw you talking to fred earlier. you looked awful cozy with him

bella- oh this is what this is about?? he had just had a fight with george! i was just comforting him!

draco- he certainly seemed to enjoy it a hell of a lot more than that.

bella- draco. he's my best friend and that's all he'll ever be. i don't want him like that.

draco- yeah i'll believe it when i see it.

bella- you know what? i'm done. it's not my fault that you don't trust me. i've tried so hard to make you feel comfortable! i have trust issues too but i don't mope around when i see you all cozy with astoria or pansy!

draco- that's different and you know it. you've hooked up with fred before.

bella- oh like you haven't with pansy!! you were dating her for the entire first year that we met! i walked in our dorm to you almost fucking her!

draco- yeah but we're passed that.

bella- so are me and fred! i hooked up with him as a distraction two years ago because we both knew we could do it without any strings attached. we both just used eachother to get over our problems. i needed a distraction from cedric and he needed one from angelina.

draco- yeah sure whatever.

bella- i'm done with this shit

*she starts to walk away and draco tries to stop her*

bella- fuck off already!

*bella storms out of the dungeons and walks back to where emma and blaise were standing already in the ball*

bella- blaise you better go find your friend and do something about him because im about ready to avada him.

blaise- i mean okay can i ask what happened?

bella- i found him down there pissed off because he thought i was getting too close with fred again, and not so kindly let me know that he wasn't going to the ball with me anymore.

emma- oh merlin what an ass

bella- exactly. i just dont know what to do though. like i just lost my date! he even talked about showing up without me

emma- i have the perfect idea

*emma and bella whisper to eachother to keep eyes off of them*

emma- bella he don't own you *wink*

bella- *smirk* he don't own me

emma- oh hell yea thats right

*emma turns to the crowd and looks for fred*

emma- *shouting* yo fred come here

fred- whats up ladies

bella- you know the song you don't own me?

fred- the one that came out this year? hell yea

bella- okay great, youre singing it with me right now

fred- bet

*bella and fred turns towards the live band. bella slowly walks up to and asks to sing. the music abruptly stops, making everyone look at the stage.*

bella- hey y'all im going to sing a song with my buddy fred here

fred- sup

*the band starts to play the instrumental. as bella sings the first words of the song, she makes eye contact with a pissed off draco.*

*draco is standing in an all black suit, his hands stuffed deep into his pockets. nothing but anger is radiating off of him.*

bella- *dancing around the stage starting to sing* you don't own me. i'm not just one of your many toys. you don't own me. dont say I can't go with other boys.

*she walks up behind fred and rests her chin over his shoulder, whispering into his ear*

bella- we have to make this good.

fred- i gotchu *he turns around and grabs bella's hand, leading her to the front of the stage*

bella- *still singing, now looking straight at draco* and don't tell me what to do. dont tell me what to say. and please, when I go out with you dont put me on display 'cause, you don't own me. dont try to change me in any way. you don't own me. dont tie me down 'cause I'd never stay.

*draco is even more heated now, almost walking up and taking her off the stage*

*bella walks around fred and hands him a microphone*

bella and fred- *singing* don't tell you what to say. i don't tell you what to do. so just let me be myself. that's all I ask of you.

*the microphones suddenly stop working and feedback rings through the air. everyone looks to see draco holding the unplugged audio cord in his hand*

draco- shows over kids.

bella- the show isn't over until i say it is. thank you very much.

fred- *comes up behind bella* how about you go deal with that, and i'll keep the music on for the ball.

bella- yea fine.

*bella walks out expecting draco to follow, and he does*

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