Demon! Levi x Angel! Eren

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Another one. This was a request. Holy shit y'all had a lot of 'em. Can't remember who requested, but here. Happy Valentine's Day to all the singles and the taken. You don't need a holiday to know you're loved. And that's on periodt.

...I'll show myself out now...


"Surrender in the name of the Demon King, and I just might show you mercy." The holy creature glared at its counterpart with disgust. No way would he submit to such a low life and especially not in the name of a treacherous being. He'd rather die, and he made it known.

"So be it." The savage looking blade loomed over his head and the blood from his murdered comrades dripped down its serrated edge onto his forehead. The obsidian sword made its quick journey to his head, but a steel covered hand reached over him and stopped the attack.


The angel recognized the panicked voice, but he was slowly losing control of his senses. His vision blurred into a whirlpool of color and his mouth was numb. He knew why it was happening. Angel blood.

Angel blood is toxic to other angels. It's a prepared form of punishment by God for any angels who assaults or murders their own kind. It's also a deterrent against these types of crimes. It basically takes away the body's ability to function and knocks you out for a day or two, depending on your exposure levels.

'I'll probably be out for about 12 hours if he doesn't kill me...' he approximated.

The world began to bleed black and white dots danced across his fading view. It all came to an end when the black blood coated his sight entirely and he was lured into an unwanted slumber.

~Time Skip Brought To You By All Of You Amazing Readers~

Clink, clink, clink

The silver chains rubbed against the metal cuffs around his arms and ankles. They were incredibly tight around his joints to the point he could barely move them, but he was used to it.

He stopped counting the days he's been held captive. It got difficult due to the lack of windows or any crevice where he could see outside. He had no knowledge of his whereabouts, but he decided he was in either Hell or Purgatory.

In Purgatory, the skies were always dressed in stormy rain clouds; rain was constantly pouring down on the people who were cursed with everlasting boredom. Hell was entirely different. During the day, the skies were clear and a burning red, but at night they were a toxic green. Rain was very rare, but it wasn't water that fell down, it was red hot coals. Both were unsavory places, but Purgatory was the best choice no doubt.

The angel felt like he was cursed of boredom as well. The least that lowlife could have done was give him a journal with a pencil. The excuse he came up with was 'a pencil can be used as a weapon'. As if he could kill someone with a pencil.

Well, he could but that's beside the point. He was back to reality when he was shoved head first into large black marble doors. His face most definitely gained another bruise.

The burly demon laughed at his misfortune and explained the rules he heard oh so many times, then concluded with some snide remarks. "You know what to do. This time, don't leave before the Captain is satisfied."

The angel rapidly knocked on the grand decorated slabs of rock three times. It was the knock he used in order for his captor to know it was him. While he waited, he analyzed the gold decorations on the doors.

It depicted bloody scenes of his kin being slaughtered and tortured. Many demons were portrayed, even the Demon King, but only one of them had the power to make the brunet shiver with fear. His wretched face was carved into the horrid scene, and the cruel smirk he wore was too accurate. His captor, the bane of his existence, and the future ruler of Hell, Levi Rivaille Ackerman.

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