Musician! Levi x Flirty! Eren

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Bro don't even ask where I got this idea from cause I don't even know. It just popped up in my head. By the way Levi is taller cause I understand the struggles of being short.

The crowd's cheers echoed throughout the concert hall. There were hundreds of thousands of fans rocking out to their favorite musician. No Name. The group is known all around the world. Their fans basically worshipped them. Especially L, the leader of the band.

The girls would try to stalk him and the guys would loathe him due to the fact that all the girls would fall in love with him. Truly L felt grateful, but only had eyes for one. Eren Jeager.
A true masterpiece in L's eyes. The only thing that bothered him was that Eren wanted to be intimate, yet he had no experience. L valued Eren's innocence, but Eren wanted more.

As the last song ended, L's excitement rose. He couldn't wait to hold his boyfriend. When the last chord was played, lights flashed and smoke arose from the stage as the group ran backstage as if they had disappeared.

You could hear the audience gasp and cheer when they discovered that the stage was empty. Although it was a simple trick, it was still cool looking.

No Name decided they would sign autographs (They forced L, of course). After the signing, L quickly ran to his limo, while avoiding his fans, and asked to be driven to his lavish mansion.

The drive took at least ten minutes. As soon as the vehicle stopped, L was already out the door. The property was empty due to fact that L was paranoid. Running up the large stairs, L unwrapped the bandages from his head, a style for their band.

Before he could reach the door, a brunette beauty opened for him. Even though it was eighty degrees outside, the boy had on a thick house coat. It was black and fluffy, which made it appear hotter.

The boy stepped aside as L walked in the mansion. "Eren, why the hell are you wearing a hot as fuck robe? Are you even wearing anything under that?" L asked.
Eren gave a seductive smirk and lightly gripped L's arm. He leaned over and whispered into his ear,"I don't know Levi. Wanna find out?~"

Levi just rolled his eyes and headed for the bedroom. Eren was disappointed at this reaction. A smile or chuckle would have satisfied him, but walking away and rolling his eyes was not acceptable. Eren followed Levi to the bedroom.

Levi was undressed and only in sweatpants. He was sitting up and reading a book. Steel glasses were perched on his nose. You could see his biceps flex as he turned the page. Eren couldn't help but blush.

The brunette climbed on the bed and started to crawl over to Levi. He grabbed the raven's book and sat it down on the bedside table. Eren then sat on Levi's lap. Placing his right hand under Levi's chin and the other one on his toned chest.

"Don't you want to find out what's under here? I'd love it if you were to take it off." Eren teased. Levi raised an eyebrow and shook head. He would do anything for this brat, but he wasn't sure if Eren was...physically prepared.

Nonetheless, Levi indulged himself in his boyfriend's tempting offer. They rested against each other, soaking up the oozing admiration they both emitted for the other.

Levi pulled Eren into a passionate kiss, still leaning over him. "I love you, Eren." Levi proclaimed.

"I love you too, Captain~" 

I know my smut is bad
Have a great day

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