8. |Enemy Lines|

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After the whole argument in the hotel and Jon comforting me, we had went back upstairs only to find Paige and Joe playing "Rock Paper Scissors". "What the hell are you doing?" I laughed. "Playing for the last Pepsi in the vending machine." Joe smirked. Me and Jon both laughed and watched them yelling at each other over who won. "Hey. I have an idea." Jon smirked. "You know guys, there's a restaurant downstairs and like, 100 vending machines in this place." He laughed. "Paige, follow me." I smiled as I grabbed her hand and drug her to the elevator. "Ooh where we goin', Kitty Kat?" She giggled. "Just shut up and follow me."

I took her downstairs to Starbucks and we both got Vanilla Frappes. "This stuff is bomb, Kitty." Paige laughed. "Exactly. Now do you see why I brought you down here?" I smiled. "Soo.. you and Jonny boy, huh? How's that going? Anything.. past friends yet?" She stared at me ready to explode in excitement. "Yeah actually. We're going good. Better than Colby and I ever did." I shyly smiled as I drank my coffee. "I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! YOU TWO ARE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER!" She jumped up and yelled. I looked to my right to see Colby walking in the hotel door with Layla. I texted Jon "Hurry down here just incase. Two tone and his bitch just walked in."

"Ooh Kitty Kat.. we've got company." Paige nervously laughed as Colby and Layla walked in. I completely ignored them and read my phone. Jon texted back "In the elevator, almost there." Layla walked off as Colby came toward me and Paige. "Hey.. can we uh, talk in private?" Colby said towards me, pointing to the elevator. I ignored him and continued talking to Paige. "So have you heard from Nattie or Tj?" I asked her. Colby grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the table and Paige started rapid firing texts to Jon. "LET ME GO, ASSHOLE." I yelled, kicking him in the leg. His hand released enough to where I could escape. I ran as fast as I could up a flight of stairs and hid behind a wall. My back slid down the wall as my head found my knees. I didn't want to see him. I didn't want to hear him or anything he had to say. I was sitting against the wall when I heard fast-paced footsteps climbing the stairs. I contemplated getting up and running but what was the use? He'd catch me anyways. I just sat there hoping somehow I was dead.

"Kat.." Colby sighed. I didn't answer. He kneeled down beside me. "Katrina.. listen.. LISTEN TO ME." He yelled. I got up and shoved him against the wall. "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE - -" I started yelling but backed away and ran up another flight of stairs. "Kat.. stop." He grabbed my arm again and this time wouldn't let go. I tried kicking and yelling but he wouldn't let me go. "You need to listen to me.." he sighed. "FOR WHAT? I DID LISTEN TO YOU. AND YOU FUCKING PLAYED ME. YOU PLANNED EVERYTHING. I WAS STARTING TO REALLY CARE ABOUT YOU AND THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME YOU WERE MANIPULATING ME. FOR WHAT? I DIDN'T DO SHIT TO YOU OR TO LAYLA. I KNEW I SHOULDN'T HAVE TRUSTED YOU FROM THE BEGINNING. EVERYONE WAS RIGHT ABOUT YOU, COLBY." I screamed and started crying as I ran down the stairs, down the hallway and into Jon's arms. "There you are! I couldn't find you!" He sighed in relief, holding me in his arms. "And you.." he growled as Colby came running behind me.

I broke down. I was sobbing in Jon's arms as Colby stood behind me looking pained and broken. "Upset, huh? Maybe you should've thought about that before you ruined the best chance you ever had at finding someone who can see past your thick, demented, manipulative mind." Jon snapped as he held me in his arms, walking me toward the elevator. "ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Paige yelled but I didn't answer. I just looked at the ground, holding back tears. I was never much of an emotional person until these last few weeks in WWE.

Jon offered to stay with me in my room, but I told him I wanted to be alone for a couple of hours, but I'd call him when I wanted to be social again. I was in my room staring out the window. I didn't have an awful view but I could see the parking lot. I looked down as I saw someone quite familiar with someone also.. quite familiar. Layla was with Cesaro. His arm wrapped around her as they walked toward a car. I turned on my camera and turned it on video. I was recording as she kissed him and walked to the passengers side of the car. They both got in and drove away. I sent the video to Jon and within minutes there was a knock on the door. It was Jon.. and.. Colby?

Memories & Memoirs {A WWE Fanfic} *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now