25. |Future History|

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  Colby eventually brought me back to the hotel and left me alone to think.

  Every time I start going after my original goal, I keep getting pulled to the side. Do I believe Colby? Not fully.. how could I? And then there's Jon.. he only wanted to help me and I shoved him away.. but I needed to do what I did. I just hope he understands..

  It was 2 AM and I was sitting alone, going back and forth in my mind. I looked around the room once in a while, missing the sight of Jon's belongings beside mine. The Diva's Title was in my hands and I stared at it. What I've always wanted is right in front of me.. and I'm just not happy without Jon here. Colby doesn't even matter to me right now. I know he'll hurt me again. But now.. I might've lost the person I actually care about.

  *Jon's POV*

  How could I do that to Kat? How the hell could I have just walked away from her? She's probably destroyed, broken, upset.. what the hell have I done?

  I was at a bar downtown, but I hadn't even drank anything. I was too pissed off. I grabbed my leather jacket and walked out, running in the direction of the hotel. I had gotten a room for myself to give her some space, but damn I really shouldn't have..

  Rain started sprinkling and I was getting soaked. Soon, it was a downpour. As much as it pisses me off that I'm getting rained on, I really deserve it..

  *Colby's POV*

  After I talked with Kat, I returned to my own room. She needs space.. I just hope she forgives me. I'm the dumbest person alive, I swear..

  I looked out the window and watched the rain beat against the glass. It reminds me of the weather in Seattle when me and Kat fought.. just like her and Jon are. I really feel bad for her. I shouldn't have told her I still love her. She's probably so hurt right now.. what the hell have I done?

  I just hope she's alright and happy. That's all I care about.

  *Kat's POV*

  Now being 2:18 AM, I decided I'm not going to sleep. It's too difficult to sleep alone anymore. I sat on the balcony as the rain fell onto me, soaking me with each passing minute. I watched the city lights flicker and the traffic slow down. I placed my arms on the table and held my head in my hands. How could something so stupid make me feel so bad?

  I leaned against the railing, staring at the river below. I watched the waves swirl and crash against the bridge in the distance. My mind wandered off to when I was on the bridge earlier. Words I had said rang through my head.

  "I wonder if anyone would care.." "Probably not." "I should've jumped when I had the chance."

  I probably should have. I should've jumped. Maybe then everyone would be happy and everything would be easier. I watched the water being hit with little drops of rain and thought about how lucky they are. "If I jumped right now.. no one would give a damn. They don't give a damn now, and they wouldn't later on." I laughed, tapping the railing. I heard a slight slam, but didn't really pay attention.

  I let my mind continue to wander as a pair of arms snaked around my waist. "I'd care. I've always cared. I always will care, and I'll never stop." Jon whispered, holding me close. My eyes filled with tears at the sound of his voice.

  "You came back?" I smiled, turning to face him. "Yeah, I did. And I don't plan on leaving ever again. I can't fucking lose you, Katrina. You mean too much to me and I know you love me. I'm sorry." He sighed, resting his chin on my head. "No, I'm sorry.. I do need somebody, Jon. I need you. I can't survive without you. I've said it before and I mean it. I can't.. I really can't." I frowned as tears threatened to spill from my eyes. "Hey hey hey.. don't cry. I'm here now.. and I always will be. Don't worry, I promise you. And if I EVER leave again, you have the right to shoot me." He laughed. "I probably would whether I had the right or not." I smiled. "Good. Because i wouldn't deserve to live if I ever hurt you again." He smiled, kissing me gently.

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