22. |Dangerous|

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  Even though I feel like I haven't slept in days, I can't sleep. I don't know if it's because I'm alone or if I'm just stressed out. Either way, it's pissing me off. I turned on the lamp and decided to just stay up. It's already 4 AM, might as well. I'd only get 2 hours of sleep anyways, and Jon wouldn't be here until later in the day.

  I was in the bathroom putting my hair in a messy bun when my phone rang. Paige..

  "Hello?" I sighed. "Hey pumpkin. We're on our way there. Don't worry." She laughed. "Whatever.." I sighed. "Whats wrong?" She asked. "Nothing. Just pretty bored and pissed off, considering I'm here alone." I growled. "Well damn. Go find something to do then. I told you we're on our way.." she sighed. "Bye Paige." I growled, hanging up and throwing the phone down. I sighed, pulling on a hoodie and my Uggs. I grabbed my phone and decided to head downstairs. Might as well, right?

  I stood in the hallway, waiting on the elevator to come up. "Couldn't sleep?" Randy asked as he walked up to me. "Not at all.." I laughed. "Where you going?" He tilted his head. "I don't really know. Just bored I guess." I sighed. "Well, I was on my way to get some coffee. Wanna join me?" He smiled. "Sure." I smiled as the elevator opened.

  "So. What's bothering you?" He raised his eyebrow. "Nothing.." I mumbled. "Come on.. I know it's something." He sighed, poking my shoulder. "I'm just kind of stressed I guess. I have my title match on Sunday and all this drama right now.. it's just a lot of pressure." I sighed. "Are you sure that's it? You seem really troubled with something." He half-smiled. "I'm honestly not really sure." I laughed. I honestly do know why I'm upset.

  I hate myself for falling for Colby and his games. I promised myself I wouldn't, but I did anyways. And it hurts knowing that he never cared about me for a single second. He was out to get me from the minute we met, and I was an idiot. And now, I love Jon but it hurts trying to trust somebody. It's really difficult. I love Jon.. very much. And I know he'd never hurt me. It's just hard thinking of him as trustworthy. And Dave turning on me doesn't help. Everyone who I really thought was close to me and had changed for the better just didn't and wanted to hurt me the whole time..

  The elevator opened and me and Randy walked out. "Starbucks is just downtown." He smiled as I followed him outside. We got in his car and he drove out of the parking lot. I was pretty silent as he drove down the road. "Seriously. Please tell me what's wrong." He sighed. I stayed quiet for a minute before answering. "It's just difficult.." I whispered. "What's difficult?" He tilted his head. "Trusting somebody. I don't want to. Just like I didn't want to before I met Colby. He made me believe I could trust someone all in a plot to take me down. It's just really hard.." I sighed, looking out the window. He grabbed my hand and smiled. "Hey.. I know how you feel. I really do. I know you've had a bad past you refuse to talk about, but I'm just gonna say this. I'm like Jon. I'm here for you no matter what. I promise you can always come to me. I'm not the guy everyone thinks I am. I may be an asshole most of the time, but people like you.. I'm not like that around. Especially you. You're awesome. You're the most badass Diva the division has had in years, and the prettiest, coolest, funniest and most deserving of a title shot. And I know you don't believe me, but it really is true." He smiled. "Thank you.. I really appreciate that. You just cheered me up a little." I smiled. "No problem. I couldn't lie to you." He smiled, pulling into the Starbucks parking lot.

  We both ordered Chocolate Chip Frappes and decided to chill at Starbucks for a while. "So. If you win that title, do you realize how much of an edge that'll give you?" Randy smiled. "Hell yeah I do. That's why I won't lose." I smirked. "I know you won't." He winked, drinking his coffee. I smiled, checking my phone. As I went to unlock it, Jon called. I put it on speaker and set it on the table. "Hello?" He asked. "Yes?" I laughed. "You alright? Paige said you seemed pissed." He sighed. "I was. Still kind of am, but Randy calmed me down." I sighed. "Well that's good. Where are you?" He asked. "Starbucks, why?" I tilted my head. "Just wondering." He laughed. "I'm about 15 minutes from the hotel. Maybe I can meet you guys there?" He asked. "Sure." Randy smirked. "See you in a bit." Jon laughed, hanging up.

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