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Mackenzie put on her jacket fast and ran out to Emily's car. Mackenzie dropped her phone on the way and quickly realized. It had snowed the night before so the only thing visible was the white fluffy snow beneath her. As she spotted her phone she quickly picked it up and used the inside of her jacket to dry it. 

She jumped in the back and was greeted by Emily, Brynn, and Lexi. They were her very best friends and had known each other since middle school. They would do everything together and when Lexi saw that there was a Christmas market today she texted them about it. 

She was so excited. Christmas had always been her favorite time of the year because of the cozy vibe. 

The market was just 10 minutes away from the brown-eyed girl's house. On the way there they blasted their favorite Christmas songs and sang so loud everyone outside of the car could probably hear them.

The best friends arrived and luckily got a parking space near the entrance. It looked like so much fun and with her best friends, it could only get better. 

As the girls walked in they saw the many stands. There were hot chocolate,  gingerbread, cookies, hats, and even different games you could play against your friends or family. 

They headed straight towards the hot chocolate stand. A very attractive guy was standing inside the stand. His nose and cheeks were pink because of the cold and his eyes were hazel green. The brunette was crushing on him. The way he laughed with the elderly lady in front of them was in her eyes adorable. He seemed so nice to her. Mackenzie studied his every move and he was cuter than anyone else she had ever seen.

"Do you think he's hot" Lexi whispered to Mackenzie. Mackenzie was shocked. How did she know? It wasn't too obvious, right?

"No, I don't" She answered. That made Emily and Brynn laugh. 

"You so do Kenzie. You were definitely staring at him" Brynn said smiling at her. 

"No, I did not," The brunette said making the sentence sound more of a question. 

It was now their time to order their hot chocolate and as usual, Lexi did it. Lexi's parents were very rich and they lived in a mansion. She did not have to pay for her college and she has never had a job. It wasn't like the three other girls' parents were poor they just weren't as wealthy as Lexi's. Lexi never minded paying and just did it without even thinking. She never had to grow up thinking about what she spent her money on.

"Hey what can I do for you girls?" he asked smiling at them. He was even more attractive up close. The way he smiled made her stomach fill with butterflies.

"Hi, can we get four hot chocolates with whipped cream, marshmallows, and crushed candy cane, please! Oh wait, make one of them without whipped cream" Lexi said politely remembering that Emily despised whipped cream. 

She noticed his name tag said Johnny so that must be his name. He surely was the cutest thing alive and the brunette could only imagine being his girlfriend. He probably already had a girlfriend. Whit his looks and personality he could get anyone he wanted. Mackenzie was pulled out of her thoughts when he came back with the four hot chocolates. 

"It's not every day such beautiful girls pass by my stand." He said making eye contact with Mackenzie. She could feel her cheeks heating up and she suddenly felt shy and looked down. Brynn, Lexi, and Emily laughed at his comment.

"My best friend Mackenzie thinks you are very attractive. Maybe you could give her your number?" Mackenzie was in shock. Why would Brynn say such a thing? It was true but she just made Mackenzie's cheeks light on fire. 

"Brynn what are you even talking about. I don't even think he's attractive at all" She said looking up at him. He was laughing at the brunette trying to cover up for what the blonde had just said.

"Why were you staring at him then" Emily bid in. Mackenzie was so embarrassed. The girls would often embarrass each other. They were all bold and didn't care what other people would think of them. In their eyes, they were all just having fun.

"I think we're leaving now. Thank you for the hot chocolate" She said dragging her best friends away from the stand. 

"You just made it so awkward for me" Mackenzie whisper-yelled at the girls.

"Sorry, we had to do what we had to do," Emily said trying to calm her down.

As they found a bench where they all could sit Mackenzie dropped her hot chocolate down on the snow. The snow turned brown and small white marshmallows blended in with the snow. Mackenzie groaned knowing she would either have to go get a new one or watch her friends drink theirs without having any to enjoy herself.

Her friends encouraged her to go get a new one.

"Remember to get his number this time" Lexi yelled after her. Mackenzie rolled her eyes and kept walking towards the stand. No one was in line and Johnny was sitting casually on a chair looking at his phone. As he could hear the footsteps come closer he stood up and looked at the girl who had previously been there with her friends.

"Well hey, Mackenzie. Did you decide you wanted my number anyway?" He said remembering their conversation from earlier. They both laughed at the last part.

"You wish. I accidentally dropped my hot chocolate so I'm here to buy a new one" she smiled at the dirty blonde. 

As he started making a new one for her they small talked about left and right. Their conversation was natural and she wished she just admitted she wanted his number. 

"Here's your hot chocolate," He said handing her the warm cup. Their hands touched and they made eye contact as they did. Mackenzie was head over heels for this boy and she had only just met him. She felt as if she was in some sort of movie.

She paid and waved at the boy she had been talking to for the past five minutes.

"You guys were so flirting" Mackenzie had given up on arguing with the girls about Johnny. She simply just rolled her eyes and started talking to the girls about school and how life was going.

As Mackenzie finished her cup of hot chocolate she noticed a little note at the bottom of the cup. it said, "Hey it's Johnny, thought you might want my number anyway ;)" She truly felt like she was a part of some crazy romantic movie but she wasn't. This wasn't a movie or a dream this was real life and she was more than happy it was.

Hey guys it's me again. Happy new year hope you all have had the best 2021. 

This is not edited so will do that another day (just edited still not perfect tho)

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