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Before I start this I just wanted to say that this is a long one-shot so get snacks y'alllll

"He asked Brynn to go on a date with him," Mackenzie said through sobs. She was broken. Her crush just asked out another girl. Her best friend to be exact. Brynn knew about her crush and declined the offer but Mackenzie still felt as if she was never going to be good enough to get any guys. 

Brynn was the pretty blonde and Mackenzie the brunette who tagged along with her best friend. Mackenzie and Brynn were opposite in every way. Both appearance and personality. Something about their differences made them click together like two pieces of Lego. Mackenzie was quiet and shy and Brynn was outgoing. Brynn was a Blonde and Mackenzie a brunette. Brynn's style was bright and fun while Mackenzie's was basic. Mackenzie was pretty insecure and just wanted to blend in with everyone. Brynn wasn't insecure and made sure she showed that she was her own person.

Johnny hugged Mackenzie tighter as she let everything out. Johnny was Mackenzie's safe place. They had known each other since they were small. They didn't hang out much in school. They had never really had the same classes nor the same interests. They would just simply hang out after school. Johnny lived right down the street from Mackenzie so it was a two-minute walk. 

"It's gonna be fine. I know someone out there likes you. Hayden might just not be the right one for you" Johnny said calmly as he let his and run up and down her back. Mackenzie's sobs got louder. Hearing Johnny's words definitely broke her a little more but he was right. She wasn't Hayden's type. They weren't meant to be and that was okay but it was going to take time to let it sink in. Mackenzie had had a crush on Hayden for almost two years.

Johnny and Hayden were good friends. They hung out pretty often and got along really well. It was hard to see his best friend get so utterly hurt by someone he was good friends with. He knew Hayden didn't have a clue about Mackenzie's crush on him and he wasn't planning on telling him either. Mackenzie had specifically told him not to even though he offered to do it multiple times. All Johnny wanted was to make Mackenzie happy. She knew that. He told her multiple times a day. She always felt worthy and loved when she was with Johnny. That was what she loved so much about him. He would always boost her confidence and make sure she felt good about herself. 

As Mackenzie's sobs became quieter she looked at Johnny admiring his hazel eyes. They were beautiful and the brunette wishes she was born with features like his. She never realized how attractive he had gotten over the years.

"Thank you" She whispered to him. They made eye contact and both looked down after.

"For what?" He asked confused as to why she was thanking him. 

"I think you already know but you're always there for me and makes me feel loved and worthy and I'm just thankful to have someone like you in my life," she said getting teary-eyed again. Life without Johnny wouldn't be life. She was only happy because he constantly reminded her that she was wanted. 

They sat in silence for a couple of minutes. "So do you still have a crush on Brynn," Mackenzie asked him? Johnny used to have a crush on Brynn. When she had found out she was so happy for him. She would imagine her and Hayden together and Brynn and Johnny together. They could all go on double dates and have the perfect high school experience. Johnny's crush on Brynn was short and he now had his eyes on someone else. That, someone, was Mackenzie but he knew how in love with Hayden she was. Nothing was going to happen between the two teens. He would always flirt with Mackenzie but she was very bad at taking hints. She had absolutely no clue about Johnny's crush on her.

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