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If you like this book please remember to vote and comment because it really motivates me to continue writing.

It was 8 PM on a Saturday. Just like every other night, Mackenzie went on Omegle. She was desperate for attention and compliments. She needed them. it was like a drug she couldn't get rid of.  She would stay up all night chatting with guys and girls who would constantly compliment her on her hair, makeup, and her outfit.

She went into her bathroom to touch up on the makeup she had worn that day. She needed to look good or else they would skip her. If they would skip her right away she wasn't going to get her needs fulfilled. 

She opened the white cabinet under her sink. She grabbed some concealer, highlighter, and mascara. She applied the makeup onto her skin harshly and when she was done she placed the products back in the cabinet. She turned off the light in her bathroom and walked to her bed. Mackenzie's room was big. She had a massive bed with lots of comfy pillows and blankets. She also had two bedside tables on each side of her bed and a big tv across from her bed. A white door led into her huge closet where her million pieces of clothes were stored. 

Her family was very wealthy. They lived in a big mansion with more rooms than they would ever need. 

She grabbed her computer from her desk and opened it. She had a basic MacBook air with stickers on it. Most of them were from basic brands such as Brandy Melville and Glossier. 

To say Mackenzie was insecure was an understatement. That's why she was so desperate for the compliments. She truly felt that she couldn't live without them. She couldn't live without the constant reminders about how good she looked.

Mackenzie was from California. She was nothing special. All of the stunning girls had blonde hair and blue eyes. Mackenzie wished she was born like that. She was born with brown hair and brown eyes. Pretty boring. The girls who went to Mackenzie's school were those type of girls you would see on your for you page with 50.000 likes. Those random videos of blondies in bikinis on a beach dancing to a popular song. Her sister Maddie was one of the blondies. She was very beautiful. Mackenzie was a little jealous of her sister sometimes. Mackenzie thought Maddie had gotten the better genes but Maddie disagreed every time she would tell her.

She typed in her password and opened a safari browser. She would get butterflies in her stomach before going on. Something made her nervous. She really couldn't point a finger at what it was but the butterflies always seemed to be there when she was about to go on Omegle. 

She fixed her hair and made sure her lipgloss was applied perfectly on her lips. As she tapped the button to start she got paired with a random 50-year-old guy whom she skipped right away. She wanted compliments but not from old creeps. 

She talked to a couple of different people. They were all sweet and complimented her smile, hair, and makeup. She felt like a princess on Omegle and she enjoyed every second of it. 

She was getting a bit tired and decided to talk to one more. It was 11 PM and she had been talking to people for three hours. She got paired up with a very handsome boy. He had dirty blonde hair and forest green eyes. He smiled at her sweetly.

"Hey," he said laughing a bit at the way the girl had stared him down through the screen. Mackenzie fell in love with his voice. He had a rather raspy voice and a Canadian accent. It was cute. He was cute.

Mackenzie looked down embarrassed. She had caught herself staring at a guy through the screen. How does that even happen? 

"Hi," She said looking up at him laughing a bit herself. She looked a bit further onto what he was wearing. She could only see his shirt but it was a plain white t-shirt. His room had a big bed in the middle and he was seated at what looked like a desk. In the corner of her screen, she could see one door leading to what looked like his closet.

"So what are you doing on here, don't you have a boyfriend?" Mackenzie chuckled at his questions. What was she even going to answer to the questions he just asked? Uhh, I'm just here because I'm addicted to getting compliments and have no friends. Yeah... no she wasn't going to do that. She did feel a little honored someone really thought she had a boyfriend. In Mackenzie's eyes, it was impossible to even picture herself with anyone. She couldn't. Everyone was too good for her. 

"Uhh I just wanted to hop on here, Saturdays are for the boys" She lied. She couldn't confess to him that she didn't have a boyfriend. She didn't want to show him that she wasn't good enough to get a boyfriend. She didn't want to show him that she had no one to count on because the poor girl had no friends. She was lonely and sad and going on Omegle would cheer her up. 

"If he really was your boyfriend he would spend his Saturdays with you," The guy behind the screen told her. He seemed like a real gentleman. He was really nice and good looking. He seemed like he cared about her even though they haven't even talked for two minutes yet. It was probably something she just made up in her head. No guy was good looking and nice these days. Or so she thought.

They sat in silence for a bit. Just admiring each other.

"Anyway, why are you on here?" The brunette asked. He chuckled once again. She found it weirdly attractive and wanted to hear it again. 

"Well I just moved to California from Toronto so I really don't have any friends yet," He said. Mackenzie was shocked. What were the chances that this very sweet and attractive guy had just moved to the state she is living in? They were finally small.

"Are you being for real right now?" She told him. She truly couldn't believe her ears. This sweet and handsome boy that she had met on Omegle only a few minutes ago lived in the same state as her. 

"Yeah, you live in Cali too?" He said giving her a big smile. She was cute and nice but she had a boyfriend. He was simping over this girl he had just met on some stupid website. He was probably never even going to speak to her after this.

She nodded her head and laughed. They talked for hours. Mackenzie was crushing on this guy and she didn't even want to go to sleep any longer. She even confessed to him that she actually didn't have a boyfriend or any friends. He asked her to meet up at a nearby beach. 

"So it's a date?" He said while looking at her confidently through the screen. Mackenzie couldn't get it in her head that this boy wanted to go on a date with her. She was so attracted to him in every possible way that she couldn't say no. She started fidgeting with her rings. She was a bit nervous. She had never been on a date before. She hoped to not embarrass herself in front of the boy she was falling for.

She looked down. Her cheeks got a little red from his question. "Sure," She said giving him a quick smile and looking down again. 

They both felt the connection between them. There was something there and neither of them could explain what it was. They were meant for each other they just didn't know it yet. This was God's plan and one day they would get married and live happily with two kids.

This is kinda bad but If you like this book please remember to vote and comment because it really motivates me to continue writing.

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