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Please remember to vote and comment because it really motivates me to keep on writing!

Johnny closed the door and locked it. It was a chilly morning in spring and as usual, he went for a walk. He would do this every morning. He loved to feel the fresh air touching his face while looking at the sun that rose beautifully every single morning.

Johnny was 26 and lived in his own apartment. He was just a small artist trying to get his music out there. He definitely lost hope at times but his friends and family would always keep it. They knew that he would get big one day.

He had dirty blonde hair and green eyes and to say he was attractive was an understatement. Johnny hadn't had a crush for a long time and sometimes he felt like giving up on love. He was 26 and he had only had a couple of girlfriends in high school and college. He really didn't want to spend too much time thinking about it but some couples were married and had kids by his age. 

He walked into the park. He would always stop by and sit on a bench and look at all the rushed people walking by. Society had changed so much. It seemed like everyone only cared about money. Everyone was stressed and never had the time to sit down and watch the sunrise. Johnny didn't ever wanna become one of them. One of the people who would get stressed about money. He didn't ever want to go through that.

As he sat on the bench a little puppy ran up to him. It was playful and looked a bit lost. Before picking it up he looked around to see if anyone were searching for the little puppy. When he realized no one did he placed the puppy on his lap where it immediately started chewing at the end of Johnny's sleeves. He wanted to keep the puppy so bad but he knew someone just had gotten it. It looked very little and was probably only 12 weeks old. It was a golden retriever and it had a little black collar on its neck.

Johnny looked at the collar. It had a little charm with a number engraved. Johnny was a bit upset. Now he couldn't keep it. 

He pulled out his phone and dialed the number on the collar. As he brought his phone up to his ear someone replied immediately. 

"Hi, who is this" A woman said through the phone. She sounded like she had just woken up. 

"Uh hi, I'm Johnny and I found a puppy in the park. I thought it might be yours" He said chuckling at the end. The woman sighed. She was relieved to hear that someone already found the new dog she had just gotten a couple of weeks back. She had woken up that morning and realized that her dog, Oliver, was gone. She had been running around searching for him in her rather big house. She was just about to get her coat on and go look for him when she had gotten the call.

"Oh thank god I'll be there in five minutes," She said sounded like she was about to pass out from worry. He could hear what sounded like a kid in the background asking for breakfast. Johnny felt for her. She seemed so stressed about having to feed her kids and at the same time needing to go pick up her dog. This woman was the type of person Johnny never wanted to become because it was a waste of time to go around and be stressed but something about this woman felt different. She sounded like a hardworking woman who had to deliver more than she could handle every day.

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