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Because of the rogue problem Mahnoor had been so busy that she was not able to visit or call Badar the whole week.

"Who on earth is so busy that they cannot find time to call their mate let alone visit?" Snow, Mahnoor's wolf said.

"Well some of us are busy, unlike you. If you remember correctly I am the Alpha of the Alphas so I have many responsibilities, plus the rogue problem is keeping me a lot busier than before." Mahnoor said to Snow.

"Last I remember I thought we were both the Alpha of the Alphas" Snow replied.

"My bad"

"But Mahnoor please let's call mate. I really miss his voice" Snow said with a pleading voice.

"I miss him too Snow, but I can't just call him, he may be busy with preparations for the Alphas arrival. Plus we will be meeting him tomorrow at the meeting" Mahnoor said to Snow.

"Okay, I guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow to see Badar and Leone."

Just then London entered Mahnoor's office.

"Mahnoor, you called me?" London asked.

"Yes, have a seat. So I am going to Badar's pack tomorrow, you will be in charge of the pack while I am gone" Mahnoor said to Landon.

"Ooh la la, Mahnoor is going to visit her mate, what happened? You couldn't stand being away from him? Don't worry the pack will be in safe hands while you are away" London said humorously.

"I am going to discuss the rogue problem with other Alphas there you idiot. And the safe hands that you are talking about is the reason I am afraid to leave, at least Olivia is here now to stop you from doing anything stupid."

"Okay, I get it, chill Noor I was just joking, no need to get personal about it. Plus that stupid thing that you are talking about was just a onetime thing. How was I supposed to know that potassium permanganate when mixed with glycerin makes fire" London said to Mahnoor.

"There is a thing known as research you idiot. Man I should really tell Olivia about this" Mahnoor said laughing.

"Hey, I was a teenager when it happened. Teenagers do stupid things okay. And I swear to moon goddess that if you tell Olivia about this I will tell Badar about all your embarrassing moments"

"You wouldn't dare to," Mahnoor said with a hint of fear in her voice.

"Oh I will, if you won't tell mine then I won't tell Badar about yours"

"Fine, anyways I will try to be back by tomorrow, if not then the day after that" Mahnoor said to change the topic.

"No worries, take your time Noor, plus Snow needs to stay with Badar as much as she can or she will start getting weak because of staying away from Badar for too long." London said.

"Ahh.. Totally forgot about that. No wonder Snow has been bugging me a lot lately"

"Mahnoor, how will this relationship work, I mean you are the Alpha of one pack and he is an Alpha of a pack too" London asked with worry.

"Still working on that, anyways I am going to sleep now, I have to get up early tomorrow"

"K! Good night" London said and left the office.


"Hi Peter, is everything ready?"

"Yes my men are ready, as soon as they see her car they will attack it."

"No, do not attack when she is going for the meeting, let her enjoy some moments with her mate before they get separated forever. Attack the car when she is returning from the meeting. And Peter remember I want her alive"

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