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"No she can't be dead, she can't just leave me like this" Badar said not believing that his mate is dead, Mahnoor is dead.

He suddenly fell on the ground as if all life had gone from his body, his heart rate increased, he felt as if he won't be able to breathe again, he was suffocating by the mare thought that Mahnoor is dead

Badar was mixed with different emotions, he felt sad, angry, hope that Mahnoor is not dead and frustration. Suddenly a single drop of tear left his eye as he let out an ear piercing scream of "Nooooooooo". He turned into his wolf as he jumped towards his office window, shattering the window's glass as he ran towards the forest.

Badar had been running for about 1 hour, tears were flowing through his eyes from the loose of his mate, after about 10 more minutes of running as Leone reached a cliff near the coastline of Maryland. He let out a strong but sad howl at the top of the cliff, as he changed back to human and made a jump from the cliff, letting himself drown in the ocean of emotions, emotions that he had never experienced before.

As Badar got out of the water he changed back into jet black Leone and started running again. John and other pack members were constantly trying to communicate with him

"Alpha where are you?"

"Badar, please come back and we can talk about Mahnoor, Pack members are really getting worried for you"

But after sometime Badar had blocked their voices, He didn't want to return, he wanted to run and run till he couldn't run anymore

As night came Badar returned to the cliff from which he had jumped earlier and sat at the edge while still in his wolf form.

He watched moon and smiled internally as he remembered that Mahnoor's name meant moonlight , he remembered her smile, her anger, the way she talked, the way she walked, how she blushed, the cute face she made when she was confused, or the adorable face she made when she wanted something from you or how she got angry when she was caught blushing

He let out a sad howl as tears were pouring from his eyes while he remembered all the moments he had shared with her.

Badar changed back to his human form to let Leone rest a bit after whole day of running and tearing apart any animal that came across him

"Why have you taken her away from me?" Badar said while looking towards the moon

"Hunn.... The Mighty Moon Goddess, is this one of your mightiness, separating mates from one another" He said getting angry

"Answer me goddamit" Badar said shouting towards the moon

"Is this your cruel way to punish me for all the bad deeds I have done? Is this how the mighty moon goddess does justice? Punishing someone for the crimes of someone else"

"If you wanted to punish me you could have killed me, torture me by giving me thousand cuts from silver knife, cut my hands, cut my legs, cut my fingers one by one, there are a thousand ways to punish me"

"Why did you kill Mahnoor, she was the most pure and innocent person there is, she was the last person who deserved to die, let alone die as someone's punishment"

"You think that just because of some stupid bond you have created is broken, I'll believe that she is dead, how do I know that it is some cruel way of yours to torture me?" suddenly a small hope lit in Badar

"Yah! That's it, you are punishing me by making me think that she is dead. Well guess what, I am going to find her and you are going to lose in this game of yours" his red eyes from crying where now lit with hope, and with this hope he drifted into sleep

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