Chapter 2. The second kylie-

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Kylie ran upto her room and let out a nice scream. SHE HAD GOT THE IDEA OF HOW TO GET A BOYFRIEND! "Since I'm good at cosplay I could turn myself into someone else and hang out at that new club where all the cute guys are! I'll be like a whole new person!" She chuckled cutely by thinking of the idea that someone would give her hugs from behind, cuddle with her in bed, take her out on dates and most of all love her.

The next day
Kylie didn't have school due to it being the principal's birthday.

"This is the perfect opportunity!" She thought to herself. "Parents aren't home, no school, house and car to myself!"
Kylie's parents left for a Buisness meeting yesterday at midnight. She quickly started to look for a wig..she found a short dirty blonde hair, "ew what am I tryna be, a karen? Nope this ain't it." Next she found a bubble-gum pink hair medium length wig "NUH-UH IM NOT TRYNA BE BARBIE OR ANYONE OF HER SISTERS-"
After looking through a good amount of wigs she found a perfect one, it was long, honey blonde, and pretty. "Yep this is the match baby!" She said to herself. She blushed at the fact that someone might be starting to call her baby-
"Now for the dress" Kylie owned a lot of dresses because her parents are pretty rich. She went into her walk-in-closet and on the first glance saw a low neck sleeveless sparkly red top and a mini black skirt and found some fishnet tights, black boots and her old devil hairband and devil tail from her Halloween costume from 5 years ago.

She wore the dress and put her hair into a small tight ponytail and put on a fishnet covering and put on the wig. She pinned it down and styled it a bit to make it look natural. She noticed that her belly as being shown too and her stomach ring and also her scorpion tattoo on her left arm. She did her makeup and since her driver wasent there she called up a friend of hers who was 18 years old. "Yo Zach." She said on the phone, "yoo kells whats popping girl?" "ok imma warn you this is gonna be a bit awkward." "Kylie, you do know I'm then king of awkwardness?" "Right-" "so what do you want Kylie?" "Uhm...I really want a boyfriend so I got a bit dressed to go that club that opened recently..I was wondering if you could drive me there?" "Damn my Kylie at a club? Definitely. Aight imma see you in 5." "OML THANK YOU ZACH I OWE YOU ONE!"

After 10 minutes Kylie was waiting for zach outside her front door

She saw a black Tesla pulling up at the front of her house. Soon a man who was pretty tall, fair, blonde, hazel eyes and who was wearing a un-buttoned black shirt, a dark green tie lay on his abs stomach, black pants, and black shoes and who was smoking a cigarette got out of the car. Kylie walked towards the man and said "hey there zach!" Zach looked completely shook. He put a hand on Kylie's waist and put the cigarette on his car and pulled Kylie closer to him and said "oh and who might you be beautiful? I wanna look away but I can't cuz your turning me on babygirl." Kylie awkwardly put her hand on his chest and said "it's me Kylie-" and he said "damn Kylie when did you color you hair? It suits you baby." Kylie didnt take his flirting to heart cuz she knew that zach would constantly flirt with her. "It's a wig not hair color. Now if you don't mind can we get moving?" "Oh uhm right."

They both got into the car and while driving Kylie was on her phone while zach sometimes used to place his hand on her thigh and rub it or squeeze it.

Soon they arrived at the club and zach went inside with her..

"BUT ZACH I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF" roared Kylie, "NO YOU CANT YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN TO A CLUB BEFORE." zach yelled. "Ugh fine you can come with me..."

To be continued...

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