Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

Justin’s POV:

I just heard that the Johnsons are able to come and I guess since I have the whole week off after the Iowa concert we are staying with them. I kinda like the sound of it since I get to spend it with Rosalie. I mean she seems nice and I bet she’s a fan since almost everyone else in her family is. Haha. I really can’t wait to see the three youngest, Alice, Jacob, and Connor they are little soldiers and are really sweet. My mom told me about how their mom said they were so excited. Aww sweet right.

We are on the road now to Iowa we have 8 hours so I don’t know what I will do. Probably just go on twitter.

*Now to the day of the concert*

Rosalie’s Pov: (Oh yeah this story is mainly going to be in her POV unless i change my mind or there will just be brief justin and other ones here and there.)

Today was the day I had to meet Justin. I tried getting out of it by jacking a thermometer by putting it in hot water. It didn’t work it was like 150 degrees so my mom knew. I guess we were meeting him at 12 and we were going out to lunch, and Kate couldn’t go. It sucks who am I going to talk to. Maybe Emma won’t be too interested in Justin so I won’t even have to talk to him. My chances on that is low. She thinks she’s gonna marry him. I mean her and Alice fight over who he is gonna marry all the time like this morning. I wake up to shouting No he’s mines. Eventually I just went and smacked Emma upside the head and told her how ridiculous she is for fighting with a five year old. Let’s just say that shut her right up and I went back to sleep.

Not even a hour later I hear, “Rosie, Rosie I’m meeting Justin today!” and a giggle.

It was Connor.

“That’s nice to know now can I go back to sleep?”

“Nope mommy says you need to start getting ready since we are leaving in 2 hours for Des Moines.” he said in a demanding voice. Who knew he could be like that I mean he was alway like okay good night sissy but today he is a sassy mo’fo’. I know I shouldn’t say that about him but hey the kid had an attitude. But I love him to death.

“Ugh, go tell mom I’m sick okay?”

“Nope she says you can’t get out of it, plus you’re never sick”

“Ugh fine come on.” I said as I picked the little booger up.

“YAY! I am meeting Justin Bieber today”

“Please don’t remind me.”

“Why? Why don’t you like him?

“Well there are many reasons. One he looks and sings like a girl. Two he is so annoying. Three he sucks at singing. Shall I go on?”

“No! and none of those things are true.”

“Whatever little dude lets go get some breakfast. What did mom make?

“She made pancakes, cheesy eggs, and bacon.”

“YUM!” Those are my favorite foods..

I went into the dining room to see everyone digging into the eggs. MY EGGS. Luckily mom was still cooking some for me. Since someone cough cough dad ate most of them. How could he, I know.

*Skipping breakfast now*

I went into my room took a quick shower. I decided to wear my Blah Blah Blah shirt i got at rue21, skinny jeans, and my gladiator sandals, and my hair natural. My natural hair is loose curls. I had like 30 minutes to waste so I went on twitter and tweeted: “Kill me now I don’t want to do this.” Well I am just speaking the truth.

“ROSALIE ITS TIME TO GOOOO!” I heard my mom shout.

I quickly grabbed my Iphone and headphones and left the house. I times like this, I wish i was sick. I put in my head phones to ignore everyone since they were singing along to Justin Queerber. Eventually I ended up falling asleep. I woke up to Alice shaking me to wake up.

“NOOOOO Let me sleep!” I shouted.

“I don’t think so we’re here so we’re going to go meet Justin!”

“No I’ll stay in here and sleep.” When next thing i know I am being lifted up and who is it? No one other than my older brother Matt.

“MATT PUT ME DOWN!” I shrieked .

“Not gonna happen, now you have the choice, A.) I carry you into the arena, or B.) You walk into the arena. You choose.

“i choose A.”

“Okay whatever you want”

I started screaming and trying to get someone to help me so i didn’t have to go in but it didn’t work we were inside and I was still yelling for help.

“ROSALIE! Quit yelling were already in the arena you can’t do anything about it.’

“Ugh fine matt break my heart.”

“Not working”

“Ugh fine.”

I was just walking around the arena I’ve been here before, well I have many times so I just began walking around. I have been here for state football, basketball, and wrestling games/meets, and competitions, oh yeah I am a competitive cheerleader and I am a dancer for my school. I wasn’t really paying attention at all just looking around going on all of the levels. When i was walking down the stair when I bumped into someone, he look around my age but it wasn’t Justin I know that for sure. I just said the simple sorry and kept walking. Eventually I went all the way up to the balcony. I just sat up there and texted Kate, while I listened to music. Eventually I heard footsteps. I was figuring it was a crew member. So I ignored it and prayed no one else would find me so I don’t have to meet Justin. But then I heard someone whisper my name.

“Rosalie!”  they whispered but I ignored it.

“ROSALIE” They finally yelled.

“What the hell?!?” I yelled back.

“Everyone’s looking for you.”

I finally turned my head to see Justin. Ugh Kill me now. “Why?”

 “Because we are all going out to lunch.”

“I’ll pass. I would rather stay here or go home.” I replied harshly.

“Well, too bad. Your mom says you have to go or else some Kate chick can’t stay the week. And please tell me she isn’t insanely obsessed..”

“Ugh fine and no she isn’t she is like me and can’t stand you or your music.” I know a little harsh but still he is annoying me.

“Ouch, Rose. That really hurt now come on.”

“Nah I’m good.  And it’s Rosalie.’

“Okay but seriously get up we're leaving soon. I will get kenny if i have to.”

“Ugh Fine!”

“ I walked as slow as possible I wonder where we’d be going...

Sorry Writers block.

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