Chapter two

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Chapter 2:

Justin’s POV:

I was in Missouri and I had just gotten back from performing. I went onto the bus to see my mom watching Extreme Makeover Home Improvement, and to my joy it just started. I mean i love how the show helps others and I love it but my mom watches it all the time and there isn’t tv in my room so I have to watch it with her.

“Hey honey come watch tv with me,” my mom spoke right when i got on.

“Okay mom what’s this one about?” I questioned her.

“ Oh, honey it’s about this family the Johnsons, they only have one biological daughter and the rest they adopted and they have 3 kids with special needs and two of them can’t walk and one of the two has a disease that his bones break very easy and their house wasn’t suitable for them so they are giving them a new house and not to mention that the three youngest, Sophie, Jacob, and Connor are big fans of yours.”

“ That’s cool, and mom who’s the oldest of the 5?”

“ That is Rosalie, she seems really sweet she really cares for her siblings.”

“ Really is she a fan???” I was really wanted to know and she was hot.

“ Um I’m not sure”

“ Oh okay” and after that we were silent just watching the show.

About half way through i went on twitter and tweeted to some fans and followed some and retweeted. Then an idea popped into my head and i immediately called Scooter and went into my room.

“ Hey man what’s up?” Scooter questioned me. Can’t he just say hello?

“ Hey Scoot well i have a really good idea for our iowa concert next week.”

“And what’s that?” He questioned me with a very suspicious tone.

“Okay so my mom watches that extreme makeover show every sunday and well...” i stated

“And.. what?” 

“Well this weeks family lives in Iowa and well the three youngest kids are big fans i guess and they’re special needs, and I wanted to give them tickets front row and backstage passes do you think that’d be okay?” I questioned him.

“Bieber that sounds good to me, but how will we contact them?” Shi-oot I didn’t think of that. Well i do have their names maybe they have a home phone.

“ Uh well i know their names except for the parents i think i can find their phone number and call them.” i stated hoping it will work.

“Uh okay go ahead and try if not check twitter, or facebook. and well its like 2 so im going to sleep and you should too.” 

“Ugh fine” but we all know i’m not going to sleep.

Once i hung up i went and looked everywhere first i checked Facebook to see if Rosalie had her cell phone number on her profile and she didn’t sadly. I decided to go on yellow pages and searched Johnson and there were hundreds so i asked my mom what their parents name was and luckily she remembered. Don’t ask me how, I don’t even know she know’s like everyone’s name. It’s creepy. I found out her parents names’ are Grace and Kyle Johnson. Let’s just hope there aren’t many of them. I searched again and 10 showed up. Great. I decided to ask my mom where they lived. She told me they lived in the countryside of Grinnell. I have never heard of it. I searched in the Grinnell area and one showed up. I was so happy to find it. It was now 3:30 AM so I finally decided to get some sleep. But when I wake up I am going to call them. Luckily I didn’t have a concert or anything going on today cause I was so tired I just decided to sleep till 11. But then my mom woke me up. Ugh. But then I remembered I am going to make a family really happy. The Johnsons. Eventually I got out of bed and went to tell my mom about my idea. I wonder how she will react. Hmm... Well here it goes.

“ Hey mom you know that family on the home makeover show last night?” I questioned her.

“Yeah, what about it, and why were you asking so many questions about them last night?” she questioned me back.

“ Well I decided since they are fans or at least the 3 are, I would give the whole family front row tickets and backstage passes, and Scooter said its okay” I told her.

“Oh Justin that’s wonderful, sounds so nice well why don’t you go call them now.”

“Kay see you in a bit.”

I went into my room in the back of the bus and opened my laptop to get the number. Then I grabbed my phone and dialed their number ***-***-****. After 3 rings someone picked up it sounded like a girl my name.


“Hello?” someone asked she sounded around my age.

“Uh hi, can i ask who I’m talking to?” I asked politely. 

“This is Rosalie, Rosalie Johnson, and who is this?”

“Um, this is Justin, Uh Justin Bieber.” I responded.

“O-kay” she sounded unsure.

“ Well Rosalie I was wondering if you and your family wanted to go to my concert and come backstage to meet me. Especially Jacob, Connor and Alice.” Then i heard a voice say “Rosie who is it?” it sounded like a little boy maybe 5, I bet it was Jacob. In return I heard her say “Justin, now Jacob go play with Connor while i talk to Justin” then i heard jacob shout “ROSIES TALKING TO A BOY, ROSIES TALKING TO A BOY!!” I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Sorry bout that. That was Jacob, and well I can talk to my parents but I’m pretty sure it will be fine.” 

“Okay, great just call me back or have your parent’s call me back either one works.”

“Uh sure, and Justin how did you get my number or even find out about us?” She questioned me.

“ Oh um well my mom watches that Extreme Makeover Home Improvement show and your guys’ episode aired last night and my mom watched it and then i just looked your family up.”

“Okay, well I better get back to Jacob before he gets hurt bye Justin.”

“Okay tell them i say hi and hopefully see you soon.” then the line went dead.

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