Chapter 3:

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Hey guys so so so sorry i haven't uploaded in like 3 days ahh i need to work on it i'll try to do a chapter a week and upload on friday nights or saturdays okay? mainly because I have to cheer every other night and i have home work. Love ya's <3

Chapter 3:

Rosalie’s pov:

Am I on punk’d or something? Okay Ashton you can come out now! Seriously that did not just happen. Did Justin Bieber just seriously call me. I was in the middle of my thoughts when Jacob came into my mind, CRAP JACOB! I fastly ran to the living room to see him and Connor playing with Justin Bieber dolls yup they love him that much. But then i walk in and see my mom, thank god she was there. I went to sit down by her then she asked me who was on the phone.

“Rose who was that on the phone?”

“Um Justin.”

“Um Justin who?” I hate when she does this!

“Justin... Bieber” then the boys stopped playing and yelled, “WHAT!? Justin Bieber called? No way you're lying.”

“Nope he seriously called.”

“Rose, um why did Justin call?” my mom now seeming very interested as well as Jacob and Connor then even scooted over to where we were.

“Um well he saw our episode of the makeover thing, and he wanted to give us tickets to his show and backstage passes because he wants to meet Alice, Jacob and Connor,” I said as if it wasn’t a big deal.

“Rosie don’t lie to me!” Jacob whined.

“Sorry to tell you Jacob but I’m not lying, which reminded me he says ‘hi to everyone.”

Suddenly things were really loud until Sophie came in telling us to shut up because she was on the phone. She can be really dramatic. I’m just happy I don’t have to share a room with her anymore.

“So mom what do you say? Are we going or not?” Then Alice walked in and we filled her in then the three of them were begging to go meet Justin.

“Fine” she finally caved, “I’ll go call Pattie of Justin she said once getting up walking towards the phone.

I decided to text my best friend and see if she wanted to come over and stay the night. As always Kate said yes. I told her to bring her swimsuit as always because i wanted to go swimming. I also told her to bring movies and candy. This is typically what  happens when she stays the night.

“Okay. Sounds great! See you then Pattie.” I overheard my mom saying.

I went to my room and decided to clean it up a little bit I had clothes everywhere. Then I went to find my swim suit. I got dressed when I heard a knock on my door. I knew it had to be either Connor or Jake because of how low the knock was. It was Jake.

“Hey little man, what’s happenin’?” I asked him as i picked him up.

“Nothing much just coming to tell you mom says that Justin and Justin’s mommy are going to stay with us while they are in Iowa for the week next week,” He responded like it was no big deal when I know on the inside he was screaming especially since he had a huge smile on his face.

“Really thats cool, how lucky are you? Getting to go to his concert and be backstage and, he is staying the week with us. Man Jake you are one lucky little boy.” I said enthusiastically when really I could care less. But hey its Jake he loves Justin to death so I have to sound excited.

“Hey I’m not little!” he protested.

“Whatever you say little man,” I responded.

I walked up stairs to see everyone spazzing out that the Justin Bieber was staying at our house for a week. Bwahaha. This is going to be too good. I mean having 3 little kids and a thirteen year old up your butt all week isn’t the funnest thing in the world and luckily Kate didn’t like Justin either so she is staying too. Bwahaha.


So how's you like it. I know i have writters block right now any ways just a reminder the worlds suppose to end in 14 days haha pulease. And I want it to be xmas!

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