Ch. 2

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Lycus POV:

      I didn't even want to cut. I didn't. I wasn't feeling overly depressed in that exact moment, I didn't feel anything. And that's the problem. It hurt. It hurt so damn bad! The blade going down my thigh was awful. To be honest I hate the feeling. The sharp pain that makes me want to just cry I hate it. The only enjoyable part is the vibrations of your skin tearing through the blade, and the thick crimson liquid that follows. I love watching it trickle down my leg. Although it is a bitch to clean out of stuff...

Today's schedule? Clean glass shards and go to work. What's my job? Illegal bartender. I make pretty okay money I guess... it's just not what I wanted for myself. Shouldn't I be going to frat parties, and getting so shitfaced drunk that I throw up and fall asleep in a strangers bed? Ha! Fat chance! I'm not going to college because my grades in high school sucked so there was really no point in trying. So I'm working at a bar underage serving a bunch of washed out drunks.

After I cleaned up the reflective shards, I dressed in my plain black dress clothes. Tasteless outfit perfect for a tasteless boy. I grabbed my keys, and made my way to my car trudging through the newly fallen snow. I hate the cold. I don't need more of it. I'm already always cold. Starting my car I began to brush off the snow and made my way to work.

Roman POV:

"Alpha!" I hear my beta Callum yell through our mind link. "Yes Cal?" "Where is the chef?! Sage wants soup right now!" His pregnant mate Sage has been having weird cravings lately no one questions her. Don't get in the way of her food she will back hand you... I would know... "Hey Cal? Get off your lazy ass and go find her! I'm in a meeting with Clover pack's Alpha."

I should probably introduce myself huh? Name's Roman Aleksei I am the 'kid' Alpha of the silver fang pack. Not the biggest of packs in number, but definitely one of the strongest. Not to gloat. But yeah, I'm gloating. But back into the present of course Jaxson the Alpha of Clover pack trying to pawn his daughter on me. Ew. Nothing against Clover pack I just hate his daughter in particular. Her name is Destiny and she is a piece of work. It's rude to slut shame right? She is too full of herself, and to be honest I prefer my women a little on the chubby side, and just between us she took lmao a little too seriously. To be completely honest if anything I'd go for the Alphas son before his daughter, although he is no saint either.

     I ran my hands through my chocolate brown hair for what felt like the millionth time today. I didn't want some bitchy skank, I want my true mate. The internal whimpers i was suppressing were immense. Every time someone mentioned mates my heart ached so bad. 23 is an unsightly age to not have your mate yet. Generally 18-20ish is when it happens. But 23? That is considered insane. Fate generally would've put them in your path by now.

     Finding your mate generally goes like, first when you come in close proximity you smell a wonderful scent whatever it may be it will just smell like the most wonderful thing you've ever smelled. It will be the strongest thing you can smell at that moment, and will act as your guide to them. Then, your hands get sweaty, and your heart beat quickens, and a fever begins to rise on your skin followed by a cold sweat. It's kind of what like a female wolfs heat is like. After being close to them the farther you get without interaction the more painful the fever becomes. Why do we think this is a good thing again? Oh! Because you get to meet the one person gate destined for you. I know for some that might sound unfair that you don't get to choose who you love, but to me it's magical.

After listening to Jaxson for over an hour rant and rave about his harlot child I was done. "Alright Jaxson I have other matters to attend to, you have to go now." I started, "Wait! Wait! We only talked about my daughter I don't even get to mention I smelled a rogue the other day! I don't think it's feral yet, but it's right between our territories. You know where that werewolf bar is on the boarder of our territories, and the neutral zone in the human city? I think it's like Moonstone, or Moonstars or something?"

"Moonshine?" I cock my eyebrow. "That's the one! You know it's run by a bunch of fags though right?" This should be good. "Hm? Really it is? I didn't know Carson, and Ace, members of my pack might I add were 'fags.'" I added quotation marks to add emphasis that I didn't agree with his language. "Also I should let you in on a little not so secret. My pack is lgbtq friendly, and their Alpha is bi." With a huge smile I slammed my door in his face, and mind linked Callum to escort him out of the territory.

Although his words left a sour feeling in my head. Rogue? Since when? I'd never smelled it. Maybe it's time to pay Carson, and Ace a visit. 'Callum suit up! Tell Finley, and Reed too we're going to Moonshine!'

'May I ask why Alpha?' Callum replied. 'Yep, to investigate a rogue jumping territories, and to get- what's the term?"

'White girl wasted?' Callum interrupted. 'Sure why not?' And off we went, me in my chocolate brown fur my green eyes piercing through the night as we made our way closer to Moonshine.

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