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Roman POV:

As Callum, Finley, Reed, and I arrived at Moonshine we quickly shifted and changed back into the clothes we clutched in our powerful jaws. As I buckled my belt I got hit with a wall of the most incredible smell ever. It was lemon grass, snowfall, even a hint of cigarette. I used to hate the smell but now? It was like I could get drunk off the smell. "Guys!"

All eyes got turned in my direction "I think my mate is in there!" All three sets of eyes got really wide. "Really!?" Reed screamed. I nodded my head violently in response. "I don't know how you could tell, it reeks of cheap cigarettes and drunk sweaty people." Callum said wrinkling his nose. "Actually I think they might belong to my mate." All three scrunched their noses. "Well let's go get them I guess."

We walked in the bar and immediately my eyes got caught on a petite snowy haired angel. She was really small, but she had a little bit of a manly smell. Odd, but whatever. Her head cocked up as she sniffed the air, aww my baby is a werewolf. Then her eyes fell on me. I just about fell to my knees. Her eyes are freakin purple. I think I actually got an angel! I could scent the very subtle smell of her arousal. I smirked at least I'm not alone.

She was so cute with her little button nose, and her work slacks. "Hello beautiful, what's your favorite drink to make?" I asked her, and she met my eyes. Wow just wow. Breathtaking. Absolutely breathtaking. She looked a bit taken aback for a moment before she spoke. "Um, um. I- um. Could you repeat the question?" She cleared her throat. Her voice was beautiful although a bit gravelly like it should've been a bit deeper or a bit higher and just ended up in the middle. I could smell the alcohol on her breath when she spoke, and for some reason I could have basked in the smell.
"Sweetheart?" She seemed in a daze for a moment, and I could see tears brim in her eyes before she re composed herself. Why was she about to cry? "I asked what your favorite drink to make was gorgeous." She looked back up at me with a scowl that kind of caught me off guard. "Corrine I'm going to go smoke again." With that she took the towel off of her waist apron and slammed it on the bar, then stormed out through the staff door. "Dude is that him?" I looked over at Reed confused. "That is her yes." He shook his head. "That is a boy can't you tell?" I shook my head. "No I honestly thought she was a girl."

"No dude he smells like a man, and his name tag says Lycus. That is a pretty masculine name for a girl don't you think?" Replied Finley. I had been to excited to even pay attention. "But sh-he is so girly." Reed shook his head "Hey! Dick!" I whipped my head around to see a red headed woman, and before I could blink she had me by my collar, and I was half pulled over the bar. "I don't give a damn who you think you are but Lycus is a boy dammit! I am so sick of you transphobic assholes coming in here and treating him like he is a lesser being, and misgendering him just because it seems like fun!" She was pissed. I pulled away from her grasp and lifted my hands in surrender.

"I'm so sorry I had no idea." Her eyes still held rage but she calmed a bit. "Fine, you didn't mean it but the apologies shouldn't be directed toward me they should be said to his face." I agreed. "Where can i find him?" She pointed through the staff door. "I'm allowed?" She nodded before beginning on the boys drinks.

I walked through the door, and just followed the scent of cigarette to another door across the room. After opening the door I looked to the left and found him deeply inhaling his cigarette with tears streaming down his face. His crystalline purple orbs were glassy with tears. He took my breath away. He dropped his cigarette, and stomped on it, then began wiping the tears from his face with a sniffle. I couldn't help myself in this moment. I don't know whether I felt bad or it was the mate bond, or just that he was so damn cute, but I pulled him into my arms. His small frame felt even more little against my very large one. He was pretty much bones it was a bit concerning. If I squeezed too hard I am almost certain I could break every bone in his upper body. He was way too small. Just when I was about to get comfortable with him in my arms I was roughly shoved away.

" What the hell man!?" He said with a red nose and puffy eyes. He looked up at me with confusion. "Oh, um I'm sorry. You just looked like you could use a hug." I trailed off and scratched the back of my neck out of nerves. "Dude I don't know you ya can't just hug someone." I looked down at him a bit guilty.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to apologize for earlier. If I made you feel bad, for um you know?" The words kind of died in my mouth. "For the hug, or the assuming I was a chick from the minute you walked in?" He was being a bit standoffish. I mean rightfully so but still it hurt. The wolf part of me wanted so bad just to hug him again. "Both but mostly my assumption."

"Mhm anyway. I'll make this easy on you. I, Lycus Woods rej-" I put a finger over his mouth so fast I was afraid I'd break my finger. It was my turn for tears to brim. "Why? Why would you even try to do that?" He just looked at me curiously. "Weren't you going to?"

"No! I'd never!" He looked incredibly shocked. "Wow. I honestly didn't expect that. Regardless I can't accept you either. I don't really want a mate, not only that, but I'm a pretty damn complicated person if you haven't caught on."  I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "I'll be the judge of that for myself! As of the mate thing, why don't we start with dinner, or coffee? Then we will see how you feel?" He seemed to consider it for a moment, before he answered me.

"No, I can't but thank you." Was his response before he opened the staff door, leaving me completely stunned and still outside.

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