Ch. 5

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Lycus POV:

I walked through the staff door, and into the bar to continue my shift. I decided I would leave at one instead of two. Thank gods because one was quickly approaching. My 'mate' followed into the bar looking like I just murdered his puppy, I almost felt bad. Almost. I know it's heartless but I am so numb I don't care.

I began cleaning the bar surface with cleaner when some old drunk guy groped my ass. I flung my head around so fast. "Who the hell do you think you are!?" The guy just chortled. "I think I'm your next fuck buddy little missy."

"Well too bad for you I am not a girl." I dismissed to go back behind the bar, but as I was walking I got blocked in by his very large forearms. Not muscular. Large. He was an overweight human, with blond hair and brown eyes. About six foot. Compared to my disgusting small self he looked like a beast. "I know a girl when I see one, princess."

"Well you've obviously never been here before because my name is Lycus it's on my name tag my pronouns are he/him and I am in fact male and in this establishment we don't accept any type of discrimination so either respect me or get the fuck out." I flashed my sweetest smile at him. "Oh so you're one of those damn freaks that think they can switch basic biology? Sorry to break it to you doll but you have a pussy. Not just that but you're an omega, and I can smell your heat on you. It's coming soon. Even if you think you're a 'man' your body is honest."

My blood was freezing at this point. I could feel it cold under my skin. The guy went to put his hand on my shoulder, but quickly removed it due to my temperature. Shit. Shit. Shit. I'm gonna freeze everything. No. No. No. I'm going to shift, and freeze everything. I'm gonna turn into that damn monstrous thing, and everyone is going to find out about the ice. I have worked so hard to hide it. I could feel my eyes glowing.

"Hey, Lycus? Are you okay?" Corrine tried to comfort me by putting her hand on my shoulder. "Corrine back down, move your hand. I think I might shift and I don't wanna tear your face off." I could hear the monster in my voice it was deep, and grisly with an underlying growl. At least it made me sound manly.

The floor beneath me began to freeze, and the light in the room was snuffed out. The only remaining sources of light were my glowing purple eyes, and the blue hue that the ice that now coated the bar radiated. My hand that was resting on the bar was now surrounded by six inch long stalactites of ice shooting out in every which direction.

I ripped my hand off the frozen bar and stormed out nearly ripping the door from its hinges. Now outside my skin began to tingle. All I could hear was that mans words in my head. 'Chick, pussy, missy, princess, biology, omega, freak' he was right though. I am a disgrace. I am disgusting, worthless piece of shit. I hate myself.

The familiar feeling of bones snapping could be felt, and in a moment where I once stood was my perfectly good work uniform in shreds, and my four foot six pure white wolf. I hate wolves. I was so white that under the moon my fur seemed to glow blue. Yeah, monster...Fucking monster.

I growled when my 'mate' came outside to see the disgusting creature I had become. His eyes suddenly began to glow an eerie green indicating he was close to wolfing out. I let out one of the most menacing growls possible, and took a mad dash toward home.  I was done here for the night and I stand by that. I didn't want to deal with my mate, I didn't want to be this, this... thing, and now everyone knew I couldn't control the power I didn't want. I would give anything to have been born a cisgender human male. I wanted normalcy but I'm met with disgust no matter the place.





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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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