Take Note! (About Special Force Academy)

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Students Undercover
(Special Force Academy)

Classrooms will also be based on there ranks. Each level from preschool to college have separated buildings with six floors.

Ranking will be based on their strength:
•A Class (the lowest rank × first floor)
•B Class (second floor)
•C Class (third floor)
•D Class (fourth floor)
•F Class (fifth floor)
•S Class (sixth floor)

All students should be in a group with seven members. Together as a team, they will accomplish missions. Teamwork is NEEDED. Missions will also be based on their ranks.

Positions will be assigned by their adviser in each team. Each positions are limited. There should be a...
•Leader (2)
•A decoy (1)
•A sniper (3)
•A Spy(3)

Special Force Academy has been at your service for more than 30 years because of the crime rates that has been increasing year by year. It has at least 200 branches and is popular worldwide.

(Sorry, I have to stop until here. There are things that I should not spoil to you guys😅)

Oh, I forgot to tell you that the Academy also has a secret.😉

Questions will be answered at the comment section, thank you!~💜

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