Information + Chapter 1

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1. If you haven't read all description, please do it now. 

2. Ok, Now I want you to know, than I won't accept ANY hate on Hinata or Sakura in comment section. They are both strong and useful queens, so stop trying to change my mind. 

3. English isn't language I use everyday, so if you notice any grammar/spelling mistakes, pls let me know. 

4. In these ff Hinata was the one to protect Sakura from bullies, not Ino. Ino wasn't one of the bullies, but still she don't like Sakura. 

5. Hanabi don't exist in these AU.

6. Sakura is in love with Sasuke, but she never maked fun of Naruto, and she was never mean to him. 

7. Hinata is as shy as in the canon, but she can also be firm when she need to. 

8. Hinata has crush on Naruto, and Naruto has crush on Sakura.

9. Sakura's parents died when she was 7, but she refused to live in an orphanage, instead of that she leaved alone in her house for like 2 years, then when Hinata's family abandoned her, she let Hinata live with her. (They were both 9 years old.)  


"Text" - normal talk

'Text' - peoples thoughts (only they can hear them)

'Text' - Inner Sakura

[Text - Hekima] - author's notes (used to for example: to remind you what is happening, etc.)

11. If these AU Uchiha clan is dead, but Itachi wasn't the one to kill them. He, Sasuke and Shisui are the only one left, Sasuke's goal is to be stronger than both Itachi and Shisui.

12. Also, Sakura is sensor type, but her sensory abilities need to be worked on [I have no idea if this sentence is  correct grammatically, I'm really sorry xd - Hekima]

13. Yamanaka clan is just a normal clan with no special abilities. 

14. I didn't tell you all differences between these ff and normal show, so get ready *laughs evilly*.

Chapter 1

Sakura and rest of team 7 was on a B ranked mission. Normally Tsunade, who was 5th Hokage, would never send Gennins on such dangerous mission, but that was different. After Orochimaru attacked Konoha during Chunin exams, he destroyed more than half of the village. Every Jounin and Chunin was busy making reports to confirm the number of citizens that survived attack, or going to another villages to ask for help in rebuilding Konoha. The only available people to send on any new missions, were Gennins. 

That's why team 7, last 4 hours was in the woods looking for desolated Orochimaru's hideout. Referring to information they have Orochimaru left that place a few days ago in panic. Team's task was to search thru the hideout and, if possible, find the cause of snake Sannin's leaving. 

"Hey! Teme, Sakura-chan, Kakashi-sensei!" exclaimed Naruto. "I think I found it!" 

In less than a second rest of team 7 was next to blond haired kid. Naruto was right. A few meters away from where they were, was a meadow. In the middle of the grass Sakura noticed hidden doors. 

"Sakura" said Kakashi "check if there is anyone in the hideout."

"Hai" pink haired closed her eyes, sat down on the grass and calmed herself. In her mind she started to search for any chakra signatures. Her teammates were next to her, Naruto's chakra was warm as always. Kakashi also had warm chakra , not as warm as Naruto but still. And Sasuke? Normally his chakra should be neutral, or a little bit cold. But since Orochimaru gave him curse mark, chis chakra becomes much darker and colder. 

Sakura shook her head. 'I should focus on more important things than Sasuke-kun's chakra!' she  scolded herself. 

'But Sasuke-kun is so cute and handsome as hell Channaro!' yelled Inner. Pink haired just ignored her. Sakura knew that her sensory limit is 1 kilometre, but the hideout's hallways seemed to be much longer than one kilometre. She directed all of her chakra to her head, trying to 'see' at least a few meters more. 

And then, she felt it. Two chakra signatures, deep underground. It definitely wasn't Orochimaru.

"As far as I was able to sense it, they are two people down there" she said opening her eyes and getting up from the ground.  

"Enemies?" asked Kakashi firmly. 

"I don't think so. They chakra don't feel dark or full of will to killing. But they are really far from here, if they were 10 meters away from the place that they are now, I wouldn't be able to sense them, so I can't say anything for sure." Sakura felt that her head start hurts. It was always like that after she used her sensor abilities. But, same as always, she ignored it. 

"Tsk." 'said' Sasuke. "And what if your skills are so low that you are going to led us straight to enemies trap?" Pink haired looked at him, trying not to show how deeply he hurt her. 

"They are two of them, and for of us. With our abilities we will be able to defeat them, if they are enemies. And if not..."

"Our abilities?" Sasuke smirked. "Literally only thing you can do is substitution jutsu" [Idk if I'm spelling it right, sorry - Hekima]  Sakura felt tears in her eyes, so she turned her head away. 

What Sasuke said wasn't true. Not at all. Yes, she wasn't as strong as him with his Chidori, or Naruto with his Rasengan. But since Tsunade became 5th Hokage, she started teaching Sakura medical nin-jutsu. After 1 month, Sakura was much stronger than before, but it seemed like Sasuke didn't care about it at all.But the surprise was that Naruto didn't say anything. Normally he would scream on Sasuke for telling things like that to her. He didn't do that these time. Sakura noticed it but didn't say anything.  

'Maybe he think that I'm strong enough to don't care about Sasuke-kun's opinion?' she thought. 

"We should go in." said Kakashi. "After every 500 meters Sakura will check if there are more people inside."

"Hai" Sakura wasn't on position to argue. 

"Sounds good for me Dattebayo!"

"Hn" Sasuke sent Sakura cold glare. "If we are going to get hurt it will be your, and your skills fault... Au!" He screamed when Kakashi's book hit his head. 

"Stop being rude to her" team's sensei looked at Sasuke with serious glance. "She is doing her best, without her it would take us hours to check if there is anyone inside. So be thankful."

"Hn." That was all Sasuke said in next few minutes when they walked thru hallways. After walking like 500 meters Sakura sat on the floor, and activated her sensory skills. 

Now she was sure that she is able to reach every place in the hideout. The only people that were inside were inside, were her team, and two people she was able to sense when they was outside. 

"Clear" she said. "Only those two chakra signatures that I told you about before. If there is more things alive in here, then they are definitely not people.


Okay, here is the first chapter of my first English book. 

All the fan fictions I written before were in my native language (Polish) so I;m really sorry for every grammar, spelling and other mistakes I will probably make in these book. If you spot any mistake, please tell me about it in the comments.

Thanks for reading!

~ Hekima

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