Chapter 2

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Sakura got up from the ground. "They are this way." She said and turned to the right hallway. 

Even if hideout wasn't bigger than 1500 meters in it's longest part, tunnels twisted and separated in many directions. Every time commanders stopped in front of new options where-to-go, Sakura had to use her skills to find the right way to the two people who seemed to stay in the hideout. 

'W are getting closer to them' she thought. 'Maybe they have information about Orochimaru and his experiments. Maybe they know how to remove curse mark from Sasuke-kun's neck. Or maybe they know... no.' Pink haired kunoichi shook her head. 

'Don't give yourself hope Saki-chan.' Said Inner. 'Pedo-snake is interested in kekkei genkai, not normal shinobi. And he have enough bodies to experiments on.'

'I know Inner. I just wish to know what happen to Them...' Sakura and her mind-friend didn't have time to end their talk because Team 7 was suddenly attacked by appearing-out-of-nowhere giant snake. 

"The hell is that Dattebayo?!" Yelled Naruto at the same time avoiding snake's tail. 

"I have no idea!" answered Sakura at the and pulled out two kunais.  

And then, in her kunais blade, she saw reflection of blue lighting. 'Sensei's Raikiri.' she thought. But when she raised her head  to look at the  snake, she understood that she was wrong. Kakashi, the great Jounin of Konohagakure, was on the floor, unconscious.  She looked back again. It was Sasuke. Half of his body was covered by curse mark tattoos, in his hand was Chidori, jutsu really similar to Raikiri, to be exact Sakura didn't know what the difference was. But the worst thing was that Sasuke's gaze was fixed on the snake. Boy attacked the animal, but he didn't gave a single damn about that Sakura is on his way. If Inner hasn't realized what Sasuke is doing, he would probably killed Sakura. The Inner took control over girl's body and moved it to the left, at the same time saving their life. In the next second Chidori hit the snake killing it at the same time. 

Snake's head was now on the left side of the hallway, and rest of it't body on the right. Sasuke was standing between two parts of the animal panting, Naruto wasn't sure what has happened, and Sakura was to shocked to move. 

'Sasuke-kun almost killed me' she thought. 

'How dare he?! Channaro!' yelled Inner. Sakura shook her head. 

'It's not good time to complain about it Inner! I need to check what happen to Kakashi sensei!' in less that a second she was siting next to her sensei's body. She touched his head and moved her chakra to her hands. In a few minutes Kakashi was conscious again. 

"What happen here?" he asked. 

"We were attacked by the snake..." Sakura wanted to say what happen, but Sasuke interrupted her. 

"I killed it before it did anything to anyone. End of the story." his voice was cold, like he didn't just almost killed one of his teammates. 

"Hm... Okay" Kakashi smiled thorough his mask. "Sorry for fainting, but I see Sasuke did a great job. However I thing we should move on."

For next few minutes team 7 walked through the hallways in complete silence. And then, there it was, the closed doors . No other separated hallways  or anything. Just. Doors. 

Kakashi ordered team to stop by moving his hand up. 

"Sakura. Check if they are in the room," he said. 

"Hai." Sakura closed her eyes for a few seconds concentrating. "They are behind the doors." She confirmed. 

"Good" silver-haired nodded. "Stand back." Team 7 moved away from the doors. Kakashi started carefully opening the doors. 

Konoha's Bloody Blossoms // Book 1 // SakuHina // SasuSaku / NaruHinaWhere stories live. Discover now