.0.1. Prologue

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Kun walked into the room to film a preview video as a mentor. When he entered the room, he saw a wall filled with letters of the trainees. He walked towards it with light steps to take a closer look.

He scan the letters one by one.

One name caught his attention.

刘雨昕 Xin Liu

I know her.

Of course, they competed in the same competition in the past. She went on to the finals whereas he got eliminated early on.

He flipped the page to read her letter.

"...10th year since I left home, 10 years of participating in competitions and countlessly questioned..."

He thought, 'She have been constantly trying to reach her dreams. I hope will she finally achieve them through this. I want to help her.'


Yuxin took a deep breath before opening the two white doors in front of her. After greeting the mentors, she took a seat.

After all the trainees came in, the food was served.

"Hi, I'm Cai Zhouyi. What's your name?" The girl beside her asked.

"I'm Liu Yuxin. Nice to meet you."

She frowned, "We don't have meat in front of us. Let me try to grab that chicken nugget." Zhouyi tried to reach out the nuggets standing up.

Seeing the commotion, Kun took a plate of meat and discreetly placed it in front of Yuxin. "Eat more." He softly said and smiled at his actions.

Yuxin did not know.


She walked on stage wearing her full white outfit, the one she chose after countless decisions and alterations. To her, everything needs to be perfect.

"Hello, mentors and trainees, I'm Liu Yuxin."

He looked at her in admiration. 10 years and she still have the same glint in her eyes when she stand on stage.

The moment she sang the high note and looked (him) in the eye smirking. It was at this moment he knew his heart will belong to her soon.

Yuxin did not know.

After the trainee stages, they headed to the cafeteria for the long waited dinner.

After dinner, Kun looked around the room and finally spotted Yuxin. Eating alone because she was a slow eater and all of her friends went back to the dorm to rest.

"Can I sit here?" He asked.

Looking up at him with her mouth full, shocked by his sudden appearance, she finally nodded after a few seconds.

Cute he thinks.

"You probably don't know but we met before." Kun said and internally smiling looking at the three bowls of food in front of her.

She covered her mouth and answered with her mouth still full. "I know." Smiling and her eyes curved into two crescents.

"You knew? Why did you act like you don't know me?" He acted angry crossing his arms.

Her eyes widened and quickly waved her hands in front of him to tell him No. After forcefully swallowing her food, she finally spoke. "I thought you wouldn't remember me."

Kun laughed. "Yuxin you made quite an impression with your dance. Of course, I remember you."

Yuxin quickly covered her eyes. "Can we remove that image from our minds now? It was pretty embarrassing."

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