14 - For a Lifetime

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Author's Note: Updating this before the book hits 3k reads. Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for reading my first fanfiction. I wrote this because I couldn't sleep that one night and uploaded the first chapter on wattpad for fun. Didn't expect it to reach so many reads. Also, didn't want to say goodbye to this story yet but, good things always come to an end. Hope you guys enjoy the last chapter :)

31th October 2025

Today marks 3 years since Kun made Yuxin his girlfriend in front of everyone. Today he also plans to make Yuxin his wife. He has been preparing for months for this day. Choosing the perfect ring, place, photos, videos, song and decoration.

For the ring, he designed a simple white gold band with a diamond hidden inside and the letters K<3Y engraved. Moreover, he made the ring himself. This is because he wants everything to be special. To make it the most memorable, he made a song specially for today just for her.

 To make it the most memorable, he made a song specially for today just for her

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(a reference photo for the rings)

The plan is to go for a Halloween dinner with NINEPERCENT and THE9 at Zhengting's Restaurant.

"How do I look as Cookie Monster?" Yuxin asked wearing a cookie monster onesie. Kun gave her a judging look which he then received a punch on the shoulder. "What wrong with this? You don't look any better as Minion." Yuxin retorted and both of them looked at the mirror and laughed at their ridiculous choice of outfits.

"Whose idea was this?" Kun asked her rhetorically.

"Mine. But you bought these." Yuxin pouted not wanting to be blamed for how funny they look.

"Fine fine, you look cute. Let's go if not we are going to be late." Kun said smiling at his cute soon-to-be-wife.

When they arrived, all of them were there. Some of them with their partners. Kun has already tasked his bro Ziyi and Zhengting to brief the rest of them about the event he prepared later.

All of them were catching up with each other's lives. It is rare for everyone to meet up like this because of their busy schedules. Using the time efficiently, there is a lot of bantering and teasing across the tables as they update their lives to their bandmates.

Xiaogui nudged Kun, "Bro, you have everything ready?" Ziyi continued, "Bro, where is the ring?" Kun reached for his pocket, "Yes, I have it." Linnong nodded and said smiling, "I didn't know Kun is such a romanticist."

"Nongnong, you will also become one when you find the one." Kun said smiling and patting the latter shoulder. "Wow, Kun wise words. And if this is a success, I take dibs to plan your bachelorette party." Zhengting said quietly making sure the other table doesn't hear them.

Let's go on this Dangerous Journey, Lover | Kun x Yuxin |Where stories live. Discover now