chapter one

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[ apologies for any spelling errors or grammatical mistakes, i write this for fun late at night usually so i really don't give many fucks but feel free to correct me :) ]

the first time shun kaidou heard — or seen aren kuboyasu was on a monday morning. he was sitting in his allocated desk after a banter with nendou at saiki's desk, head resting on top of his two arms as he patiently waited for the bell to ring.

the noise continued to erupt in the room. it had been rumoured there was a new transfer student joining the class today, and yes, shun was intrigued, but it had now been talked about too much for him to join any conversations about it himself. and so he waited to see for himself.

shortly after the noise in the room had settled down, the bell had rung. everyone was now seated and watched the teacher peek her head through the doors. she had looked back behind her and nodded.

"class, we have a new student joining us today. please introduce yourself."

shun had lifted his head up from his arms and taken in the new face. it was a boy, to most of the class's disappointment, who stood around 170 centimetres tall. he had fair skin, dark slender eyes and a shade of a deep purple hair, styled in a middle part. a pair of black framed glasses sat on the edge of his nose, which he had adjusted immediately after. his uniform looked extremely tidy and proper.

he looks like he smells great.

wait, what?

shun sensed a strange aura from this mysterious boy who had introduced himself as aren kuboyasu. although he looked like an average good looking student, something about him made shun want to cower away in fear.

that was until the dark haired boy had locked eyes with his.

now, he wanted to run for his life. was shun giving him an odd face? he didn't want to be on anyone's bad side, especially not someone with a stare as intense as his.

for a few seconds longer he had felt his eyes on him. eventually, he looked away and found a seat somewhere towards the back of the classroom.

[ .  .  . ]

the second time, which shun counts as the real first time he encountered aren kuboyasu was that same monday in the afternoon.

the day was completely normal. usually, the bringing of a transfer student would bring more of an excitement to the academy. maybe it was because he couldn't bring himself to look at him whenever he walked past him in his classes or the hallway, or maybe it was because he was nothing special.

but shun had an odd feeling about him.

and the jet black wings instincts were never wrong.

as usual, him and nendou at the end of the day would tag along with saiki to walk home. it was pretty much just him and nendou arguing, whilst saiki stared ahead and judged them silently. then, nendou would ask everybody to go get some ramen.

but that wasn't the case today. nendou had admitted he had things to do and immediately took a turn into his street. saiki continued to walk down his path, leaving shun to go his way.

the light haired boy had his thoughts drawn back to the new student. more on when they had locked eyes with each other.

to think i was scared of him. no matter how intimidating he is, he is no match for the jet black wings.

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