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'La Harve, that's where I am playing on friday.' Daan says. ' Yeah I know, but I don't think there is time to see each other, because I arrive at the end of the day and friday you don't have time to see me unfortunately', Beth told her girl sad. 'Can you come to the match? That is even better.', Daan says excited. 'Sorry Daan, that's when training is planned, it's sucks I know, but after this tournament we are gonna enjoy our holidays.' 'Yeah yeah, but it's sad that I can't meet you while you're just 10 minutes away', Daan says very soft. 'Yeah I know, but you have to focus on your game. Your World Cup starts in 2 days and you're gonna smash it' 'Yeah it's true, thanks Beth. It's just ... I miss you you know', Daan says honestly. 'I miss you too, I think more than you know, but we can do this' ' I know, well babe. I am going to sleep and I can see you are tired as well, call you tomorrow', Daan says. 'It's okay, I am tired yeah. Goodnight hun, love you' 'Love you' Daan thinks about it before she close her eyes, it sucks but there is nothing she can do about it. Hopefully it's all worth and will play both of them an amazing tournament.

1 week earlier.
Beth was thinking while listening to music in the bus to training, she was thinking about the games, the places they were gonna play and the stadiums. The second game against Argentina was played up north, in La Harve. Then it hit her, Daan was playing there to, so she search for the dates they play there and Daans team play there. She would arrive 1 day before Daan her game, maybe and maybe she can watch her girl play in the first game of her World Cup. She was thinking about how to arrange when she was that night in her room. First she has to ask Phill what the activities were on that day, so the next morning she visit his office. 'Hi Beth, come in. Is there something wrong?', he asked. 'No nothing, I just wanna ask you something', Beth says a little bit scary. 'Well come on tell me'  'Uhh okay, well as you know my girlfriend is Danielle van de Donk', she told him. 'Yeah I know' 'So she will play at the World Cup with Holland. Their first game is 2 days before our second game in La Havre. So I wanna ask if there were any activities on 12 juni, training of a gym session for example.', Beth ask Phill softly. 'Uhh then I need to look in the schedule. You wanna watch the game he? ' 'Yeah if it's possible and I don't miss anything, I wanna see her. That would be amazing, otherwise I wouldn't see her for 6 weeks or something.', Beth told him, honestly. 'I understand, wait I already found the day', he says when looking to the papers. 'Uhh we have a training session in the morning around 11 am and a gym session in the evening at 8 pm, that's it. What time is the kick off?' 'The kick off is at 3 am', Beth told him. This means there was a chance see can see Daan play against New Zealand. She was looking at Phill, when there was a smile formed on his face. 'Okay I think that you are going to see Daan playing in the Holland - New Zealand game.', Phill told Beth happy. 'Yeah? You are okay with that?', Beth ask him. She can't believe it, there was time to see her girl in France. 'Yeah of course, the other girls are also free. So who am I to stop you from seeing people who makes you happy, I think you feel much better after you have seen her. So it is a win win situation', he told Beth. 'Thank you Phill, this means so much to me', Beth says still in disbelief. 'It's okay Beth, see you at training?' 'Definitely', Beth says while walking to the door. She was so happy, this is great!

The next step was calling Daans mum, she had to ask if she can join them and the most important thing if they can fix a ticket to the match for her. That evening when she was in her room she wanted to call Daans mum. Jodie was downstairs playing table tennis in the lobby so she was alone. So it was time to call Daan her mother. 'Hi Beth, how are you girl?', Daans mum says with a happy face. 'Hi, I am good good. Just tired from the training today.' 'I can imagine, how is it going? You are enjoying it so far?', Daans mum ask Beth. 'Yeah it's buzzing. Love it, and I think on the pitch it is going well'. It was always nice to talk to Daans mum. 'That's good to hear, but uhh ... why are you calling anyway?'', she ask Beth. 'Yeah, uhh I have a question. When Daan will play her first game of the World Cup I am in the same city with my team, because we plays 2 days later in the same stadium. So I asked my coach if it was okay if I leave the hotel for a few hours. So my plan was to watch Daan her game and support Holland. So my question was if you can get a ticket for me, so I can join you and give Daan a big hug after the game, because I miss her.', Beth told her. She hoped that Daan her mum had a ticket, otherwise it was all for nothing. There formed a smile on the face of Ivonne when Beth told her plan. She loved Beth, she was so sweet and caring and now this was her plan to surprise her daughter. 'Well, we asked every game an extra ticket, because there is always someone who want to join at the last moment. So I will book this ticket for you. I think Daan will love to see you at the stadium, she already told me a million times how much she miss you.', Ivonne told Beth very happy. 'Okay, wohh, I can't believe it yet. I am going to see her in 10 days. Thank you so much Ivonne' 'You don't have to thank me, I'll do everything to make you guys happy', Ivonne says. They talked some more about how they wanna meet and on what time they will see each other outside the stadium, after that it was time to say goodby. Okay this is amazing Beth was thinking after her call. She wasn't going to tell Daan, she wanted to surprise her after the game.

It turns out that she meet the family outside the stadium one hour before kick off, so she can see everything about he game. During the warming she would be on another place then Daans parents, because Daan always looking where her parents are and otherwise she would see Beth already.

During the next few days, Beth had travelled from Nice to La Harve and Daan was very busy with focusing on the game against New Zealand. The morning before Daan her game Beth call Daan around 9 am. 'He girl, you ready for the game?', Beth says exited. 'He babe, I can't wait. Wanna start now you know' 'I can imagine that, had the same feeling a few days ago.' 'Still sad that you cannot come to the game, I miss you so much', Daan says sad. It was so hard for Beth to see Daan sad, while she knew she would see her in a few hours, but she wanted to surprise her. 'Hé Daan it's okay, I am going to watch you with my teammates and screams so hard that you can hear me in the stadium' 'Yeah that's okay, are you gonna watch with Leah?', Daan ask a little bit more happy. 'Yes, but I think Steph, Ellen, Rachel and Karen are gonna watch too' 'That's great, well girl I can't wait to start.' 'I know just do what you do every game and you will smash it again.', Beth says. 'Thank you Beffy!' 'Just enjoy it, I love you' 'Love you hun, talk to you after the game', Daan told Beth. Daan was still sad that Beth cannot come, but it is what it is. Beth had talked with Leah about her surprise, Leah was so happy for them. She knew the girls so good and knew that Daan and Beth missed each other so much, she was happy and had told Beth to say hello to Daan. Beth had also talked with Steph about her plan, she was the captain so she needed to know. Steph was happy for Beth, since Beth was with the lionesses they were good friends so she knew Daan to. She liked her too and she was happy for Beth. Beth can't wait to see her girl.

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