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It was gameday for Beth, she was ready. When she walked off the field after the warming up she was thinking about al the games she had played during this tournament. She enjoyed everything this month, but now the last game. Unfortunately England lost the game with 2-1 from Sweden. Everyone was disappointed, they watch the game against Holland back and thought they were ready for Sweden, but they weren't. Everyone was sad, but when they came back in the dressing room some experience players told the group to be proud, proud of what they showed the world. With that feeling the girls enjoyed their last diner with each other. Beth had told some girls about her plans tomorrow, the girls were happy for her. She was at the table with Steph, Rachel, Millie, Jodie and Jill, she told them about the final tomorrow. 'Beth are you going to the final tomorrow to watch Daan?', Jill says. 'Yes, my flight goes at 9:30. So I will be there on time to support Daan.', she says a little bit insecure but with a smile. She didn't know if the girls were okay with it, they may think she is letting them down. 'Yeah I already thought that. Happy for you Beth, please tell her they have to win.' It made the girls laugh, 'of course'. When they were done, Steph walks to Beth, 'He girl, I saw your face when Jill ask about Daan, what's wrong? You're not happy you can see her?', Steph says. 'Yeah I am, I actually can't wait', Beth told her on a sad tone. 'What's wrong Beth? Come on tell me.' ' It's just ... I ... I am scared that the girls will think I leave them, you know?' 'You know we wouldn't think that yeah? We are a team and I am sure that anyone will do the same if their girlfriend of boyfriend will play a World Cup final Beth', Steph says while looking straight in Beth her eyes. 'Yeah true' 'He come here', Steph says when she give Beth a hug. 'Just think about Daan, you will see her play in a World Cup final and after that you can finally see her, be happy yeah. Everyone here will understand it.' 'Thanks Steph, thank you for everything you have done for me this tournament', Beth says. 'It is okay girl, just enjoyed our time here'. After this talk Beth couldn't wait to pick the plane to Lyon.

That night Beth call Daan, this was the last time they can call before the game. 'He babe, how are you feeling', Daan says. 'Hé Daan, I am okay. We just weren't good enough' 'Yeah but you played good, just remember that yeah. You played a great first tournament!', Daan told Beth. 'Thanks Daan, enjoyed it so much. You guys are ready for the final?' 'I hope so, it is a final so anything can happen', Daan says while looking at Beth. One day Daan, then you can give her a hug, she thought. 'Exactly, just give everything.' 'I will, oo I talked to Evi. She is waiting outside the stadium tomorrow before the game with Amé', Daan says with a smile. 'That's great, can't wait to see them'. 'Yeah, I can't wait to see you Beth', Daan says softly. 'Yeah same Daan it was a long time without each other' 'To long, happy we can spend some time with to two of us after the final'. 'Yeah I can't wait for our holiday!', Beth says with a smile while she think about the holidays. 'Okay Daan, I am very tired and my flight is early tomorrow, so I am going to sleep'. 'Yeah me to. See you tomorrow girl'. 'Good luck my girl, just know that you are already my champ', Beth says. 'Thank you Beth' 'Just enjoy the game, because there are not many women who can say that they have played a World Cup final'. 'I will, love you' 'Love you'. Both girls couldn't wait till tomorrow, Daan will play a final and after the game they can finally see each other after 4 weeks.

The next morning Beth had the last meeting with the girls during breakfast. She said goodbye to everyone, all the girls were happy for Beth. Her thoughts about the girls were wrong. After breakfast Beth went to the airport, Evi had already send her a text. 'Good flight Beth, see you at the stadium around 4 pm.' 'Thanks, can't wait to see you guys', Beth had send back to Evi. Of course Daan had send her a message, but Beth didn't saw it she was already in the air. 'Have a good flight, love you'. When she landed, she pick her phone and send a message back to Daan, 'Thanks Daan, just landed. Waiting for my suitcases. After that time to look for the hotel'. 'Good luck'. Beth made her way to the hotel with a uber. She had booked a hotel close to the stadium, she was lucky because a lot of hotels were full. After she had out her stuff in her room, she looked a little cafe where she could grap some food for lunch. She had send Daan one last text to tell her she was in Lyon and wish her good luck for tonight. 'Just arrive in Lyon, now eating lunch in a cute cafe. After lunch finally time to go to the stadium. Good luck tonight, ik ben super trots op je! Geniet ervan Daan, ik hou van je'. 'Have fun with Evi at the game, you are the best, love you!', Daan had send back. It was already 1:30, so she didn't had much time left. After lunch she went back to her room to put on her Holland shirt with Van De Donk on the back and made her way to the stadium. When she arrived she called Evi, Evi had already arrived so they meet each other before the entrance. 'He Beth, so nice to see you.', Evi says while giving Beth a big hug. 'Yeah, he little girl. Hoe gaat het?', she says while picking up Amé. 'Bethhhh', Amé yelled. 'You played an amazing tournament Beth, very proud of you', Evi told Beth. 'Thanks'. 'Daan gave me something yesterday, because you had told her you needed a new one. So here's a present from Daan', Evi says with a smile. 'Okay, I am curious', Beth says while she opened the package. 'Yeah I already thought that. Is this from the Sweden game?', Beth ask Evi. 'Yes, she asked the staff to wash them, so don't be scared for a stinky shirt', Evi says which make them laugh. 'Well, love it. Put it on later, when we are inside the stadium.' 'Yeah, let's go inside', Evi says.

They went inside the stadium, they were a little early so there wasn't anybody on the field yet. 'You happy to see Daan after the game?', Evi ask Beth. 'Well, nahh I don't like her that much', Beth says with a smile, what made Evi laugh. 'Of course I can't wait, missed her so much the last weeks. So proud of her though', Beth told Evi. 'I thought so, she missed you to. I think she told me every time we were talking on FaceTime.' 'Ahh that's cute, wel I think they are coming', Beth says while pointing to field. Beth and Evi have tickets in the second ring, so it is almost impossible that Daan can find them. That sucks, but after the game the can join Daan her parents at the family zone. Then Beth can finally see Daan.

The game start and Beth is watching with pride at her girl, she is fighting in midfield. Unfortunately the USA were a bit better during the first half, by half time it was still 0-0 so there is still a change they can win this. Amé walks to Beth en wants to sit on her lap. Beth take her and cuddle with the little kid. She loves Amé, she is just a kid version of Daan. Every time she visit Daan her family in Holland Amé runs to Beth as soon as she can. She is tired, so she is almost sleeping it's very cute. The second half start, both teams are fighting. In the 60 minute, the USA get a penalty, Raphinoe scores. After the first goal, Holland seems tired. Fast the USA scored the second goal, Beth saw how sad Daan was after these goals. It was hard for her and for Evi of course, they wanted to give her a big hug right now. Unfortunately The Netherlands didn't score a goal by the end of the match. The girls look devastated, there were a lot of tears. But there must be some pride with them, they played such a great tournament fought so hard every game and the most important thing they showed what they can do as a team on the biggest stage of the world. The Women's World Cup!

Women's World Cup 2019 !Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang