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In the next week England won their last match against Japan with 3-0 and Holland won their game with 2-1 against Canada. This means that England are gonna play against Cameroon in the next round. The Netherlands will play against Japan. After the last game of the group stage Beth calls Daan, because Daan had just played the game against Canada.
Daan: Hee babe
Beth: Hee girl, congrats! Top of the group!
Daan: Yes, thanks. Did you saw my bycicle?
Beth: *laughs* Yeah it was a great shot, just a little bit to high!
Daan: It was a good touch, but unfortunately it went over the bar. So, you guys are going to play against Cameroon. That'll be a easy game for you.
Beth: Jep, Well I hope so. You against Japan, think will be a tough game.
Daan: Yeah think so to, but it is better than playing against you.
Beth: Yeah you are so annoying to play against. *laughs*
Daan: *laughs* Well, you are to good. So better we see you guys in the final.
Beth: Ahh, that's sweet. Yeah perfectly. Well have to go, speak to you later. Love you!
Daan: I am sweet, see you. Love you too!

They both won their first knockout game, Beth didn't play the whole game, she was subbed on during the second half. But England won with 3-0, so she was happy. And besides that, Leah makes her first appearance during the World Cup. She was so proud of her. The game Holland against Japan was much more exited, Martens score a penalty in the last minutes to win the game with 2-1. Daan played 78 minutes, she was so happy! Beth had texted her right after the game, 'Whooehh, that was so exciting. Proud of you and the team. You showed character and fighting spirit. Trots op jou!' Daan read this messages, after that she was thinking. She was so happy with the support of her girl during the World Cup. She couldn't wait to see her, but first they needed to win the quarter final to secure a place at the final 4 and a ticket to Tokyo.

Before Beth her game against Norway, Daan had send her some messages and she send some messages to Daan.
Daan: Good luck Beth, when you come on the field, gave everything and just enjoy that you are playing in a quarter final! Ik hou van jou!
Beth:  Thanks, I will gave everything and just enjoy it! Hou ook van jou, call you after the game!
Daan: Yes, I will do nothing tonight so just call me when you have time!
Beth: I will!
The game went great, Beth came in and gave an assist for the 3-0. They won and that means a ticket for the Olympic Games. Daan had send het a quick messages, 'Yes girl, good game and in to the semis. Trots op je'. Beth had send her just a 'Thanks, we are so happy' The whole team was so happy, when they came back in the hotel to get some food. There were two guests, Ian Wright and David Beckham. It was nice for the team to get that attention and to talk to them. After a while Beth called Daan, she had ask David Beckham of he can come and say hi to her girl.
Daan: Hé girl, you are still in the dinerroom?
Beth: Hi, yeah. We just had diner and after that Ian Wright and David Beckham with his daughter came here. Nice to talk to them.
Daan: Oee that's nice. Well your assist was great. What a finish from Lucy!
Beth: Yeah what a goal!
Beth says while David Beckham came into the screen.
Beckham: Hello, so you are Danielle van de Donk. Our opponent for the final.
Daan: Oo Hi, yeah well let's hope that's me.
Beth gave her phone to Beckham so he can talk to Daan. She walks away to Steph.
Beckham: Well, we will see. You played some good games already. You are fighting in that midfield!
Daan: Thanks, it is going well. Every game a little better.
Beckham: Yeah just stay focused. You need to shoot more on the goal next game.
Daan: I know, I will try tomorrow against Italy.
Beckham: Good job, I am going to watch that game. So, shoot on the goal.
Daan: That's great, I do.
Beckham: You are proud of Beth?
Daan: Yeah, it's her first World Cup and she played already like this. I am very proud, can't wait to see her thought.
Beckham: Yeah, she played some good games. Well good luck for the rest of the tournament! Hopefully you will make it al the way to the final. Nice to meet you!
Daan: Thanks for the chat, very nice to meet you. Bye.
Beth went beck to her phone. Beth: Well, I call you tonight yeah?
Daan: Yes thanks. See you tonight!
After this surprised call, Daan make her way to Lieke and Kika. 'Hee, you guys never guess who I met over the phone a few minutes ago?', Daan told them. 'Uhh no idea, you tell us', Lieke says. 'David Beckham', Daan told them exited. 'What, how?', Lieke ask. 'Beth called and he was there with his daughter after the game, so he came in the screen and talked to me' 'Whooh, that's pretty cool Daan, did Beth asked him or something?', Kika ask. 'Uhh yeah I think she did, gonna ask that tonight' 'Well that's pretty cute from Beth', Lieke says. 'Yeah it is actually', Daan says while thinking about it.

Later that night Beth called Daan again, Beth was in the lobby alone so they can chat. 'Hee girl, did you like that surprise?', Beth ask happy. 'Yeah, pretty cool. Did you asked him to came on the phone?', Daan says. 'Yeah, I mean we both knew that you are a big fan of him. So i told him that and ask if he wanted to come on the phone.' 'That's to cute Beth', Daan says while looking with hart eyes to Beth. 'Well it wasn't that much trouble. I thought this was the moment you can meet him.' 'Thanks Beth, loved it. And love you', Daan told her. 'But I am going to sleep, big day tomorrow.'  'Yes, good night and goog luck tomorrow. I am watching you', Beth says. 'Bye' For Beth it was also time to go to her room. Tomorrow morning they will fly to Lyon. Hopefully The Netherlands are joining them in the final 4. She hopes they will be in Lyon on time for the game against Italy. Otherwise she hopes it is on the screen during the bus ride to the hotel. It will be okay.

The next day The Netherlands won their game with 2-0 against Italy. Daan played a good game and almost scored, but her shot hit the bar. After the game The Netherlands had a little party with their diner, they are going to the Olympic Games next year for the first time. If Daan thinks about it she cannot wait, she played at the euros and the World Cup. So the last big tournament is the Olympics, it was a dream. That night she called Beth. They talked about the game, about the olympics and the semi finals. England will play USA, while the Netherlands will play Sweden. 'I still can't believe that we will play a semi final at a World Cup next week', Beth told Daan while thinking about the games. 'It's weird he, we are just girlfriends who will play both in the semis.', Daan says. 'Yeah it's so cool!', Beth says excited. They talked some more about the families when they say goodnight to each other.

The days after they reach the final 4, they work so hard on the training ground. Both teams were se excited to play in the semi final, but both teams wanting to win so badly. The Netherlands trained very good, Daan felt great and was ready to play in Lyon. She was happy that her family could be there. She wanted to make them proud, so she will do that. England will play against the USA, the queen of women's football. They won the last 2 world cups. It was so hard to beat them, but the team was ready. Beth was ready, her family would be there, which was amazing for her. She actually couldn't wait, she had trained so hard to get a spot in the starting 11. Tomorrow she will hear it, she had talked to Daan about it. Daan was sure she will start against USA, but Beth wasn't. She had give everything, but was it enough? That was the question she was asking herself when she fell a sleep the day before match day. It was a exciting day for both of them, they couldn't wait to play and watch the first semi final of the Women's World Cup 2019 in France.

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