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Beth was waiting outside the stadium, Daans parents had just text her, they were almost there. When she saw Ivonne she walked to them to give her a big hug. After her she gave the other family members a hug. She was happy she had the chance to see them, it was a long time ago. They walked inside the stadium, they saw some other families from Daans teammates. Beth was waited at the place where you can get drinks behind the stands. Daans parents where already in the stadium at their places. The girls were already on the pitch to do their warming up. She had only eyes for Daan, she cannot wait to see her face after the game. The game went well for the Netherlands, they played not so good but in the end they scored so they won with 1-0. When the referee whistled for half time, Beth quickly got up the walk away in the hope Daan didn't saw her. After the game she walked with Ivonne downstairs to the field. Daan was still shaking hands when Beth arrived downstairs. She was looking at her when she was searching for her parents. She saw a surprised face form by Daan. 'Beth what are you doing here? You couldn't come, because of training.', Daans says while walking towards Beth. 'I lied, I am sorry. Wanted to surprise you, come here' Daans walks to Beth and falls in her arms. They shared a big hug and enjoy their moment. 'You dork, I hate you!', Daan told Beth with a smile. 'You love me', Beth wispered in Daans ear. 'Yeah I still do!' 'I am proud of you, you played good', Beth says. 'Mwah, I don't know, but I am happy. We won so that's great.', Daan told Beth. 'Still I am proud! And so happy to see you' 'Yeah I still can't believe that you didn't tell me' 'I am sorry babe, wanted to see a suprised face', Beth says while hold Daan close. Beth was so happy she can hold her girl, she hadn't seen her in 4 weeks. Lieke came to Daan and Beth and gave Beth a big hug. 'So nice to see you Beth, you played good against Scotland. Sad your goal didn't count', Lieke says. 'Thanks, you did also good today. Yeah it sucks, but it was offside so it's okay', Beth says when Daan walks away to someone from the other team. 'She was proud of you!', Lieke says while pointing to Daan. 'Ahh, ik ben ook trots op haar!' 'I can imagine, good Dutch by the way' 'Thanks'. 'Well I go, good luck with your next game, hopefully see you somewhere in the final', Lieke told Beth with a smile and gave her a hug. 'Yes, you guys to. Hopefully somewhere in the finals yes', Beth says. Daan walks back to Beth, she is wondering if she had to leave or that they can have a quick chat after her shower. 'Beth, did you have to go back to your hotel of are you waiting so we can have a chat after I have showered', Daan ask her girl. 'I have to be back at 6 pm, so I think it's time to leave or you have to shower very fast', Beth told told while she already knew Daan can't shower fast. 'That is very sad, maybe better if we say goodbye then', she told Beth with a sad face. 'Yeah, it's sad. But just that you know, you are gonna play an amazing tournament' 'Thanks, I hope you guys will do well, but not better then us', Daan told her while she had to laugh. 'We will see', Beth says while putting her arms around Daans hips. 'Love you Daan, go smash it!' 'You too Beth, I love you.' 'I call you tonight after my gym session yeah?', Beth asks. 'Yeah can't wait for our little FaceTime date'. They hold hands for a minute, but then they have to go.

Daan walks to the dressing room, she cannot believe that Beth had arrange this for her. 'How sweet' she thought. This morning when she woke up, she was so excited to play their first game, but on the other hand Beth was just 10 min away and it was bothering her that they won't see each other today. Maybe that was the reason she didn't play a great game, but it doesn't matter they won so it's okay. She was smiling when she thought about Beth, she played amazing on her World Cup debut and she had seen her after a few weeks. When she was back in the hotel that evening, she call Beth for their little FaceTime date. 'Hee how was your gym sessions?', Daan ask Beth, happy to see her face. 'Yeah it was okay, bit heavy' 'I see you are tired, or not?' 'Jep, happy that I am in my bed', Beth says whit a sight. 'How was it after the game, get some reactions about the game from family and friends?', Beth says. 'Yeah, they were proud of me. And they told me  the game was to exciting.', Daan told her with a smile. 'Well, if I didn't know, it wasn't good for my hart.' 'I know, they also said there were some negative reaction in the media', Daan says a little sad. 'Hey, that's okay. They can say what they want, but you guys know what was not good.' 'Yeah true' 'Daan don't let it in your head, just focus on the next game, because I know you are gonna smash that game!', Beth told Daan to chear her up, she saw that it still hurt Daan, it's always difficult with the media. 'Yeah you are right, thanks babe.' 'Well I think we both very tired', Beth says after some chatting about the game. 'Yeah, you cannot open your eyes anymore', Daan says while laughing. Beth smile at her comment knowing it was true. 'Thank you so much Beth for surprising me today, I didn't expect that. But this is one of the reason why I love you!', Daan told Beth honestly. 'It is okay Daan, happy you loved it. Well, tell me some more reasons', Beth says with a smile. 'Hmm you are sweet and look at your eyes, let's not talk about the rest of your body', Daans told her proud. 'Okay okay, it's good' 'Love you and I miss you already!', Beth says. 'I love you Bethany, miss you! Goodnight' 'Sweet dreams'. When Beth thinks about Daan and the games later before she felt a sleep. It sucks she thought, when we both do well we see each other in Lyon. That is 3 weeks from now. It was hard, but okay. Daan was thinking, when Beth her team win against Argentinia and lose against Japan then they have to play against each other. Hopefully that is nog gonna happen, because that means that for one of them the World Cup ends already. There were a lot of scenes that can happen, they will see what it is gonna be for now they both focus on the next game.

The Netherlands won their game with 3-1 against Cameroon, this game Miedema get a record of all time top scorer for her country. After dinner Beth called Daan, Daan was in a room with Jill and Viv. 'Hee congrats Daan', Beth says excited. 'Hee girl, thanks', Daan replay. 'Did you enjoy playing in a stadium with so many fans?', Beth ask. 'Yeah it felt like we played in Holland' 'I can imagine, what are you doing?' 'Just talking with viv and Jill about the game', Daan says while turning her phone to them. 'Hi, congratulations Viv. All time topscorer of the Netherlands, that's pretty cool he', Beth says happy. 'Thanks Beth, you watched the game?', Viv says. 'Of course, you guys played good, great goals!' 'Good, thanks. Good luck with your last game against Japan, hopefully you guys win so we didn't have to play against you', Viv told Beth. 'Yeah, I hope the same, but you guys have to win too' 'We will try', Daan says while turning the phone back to her face. 'Well Jill, Viv see you later', Daan says while walking out of the room back to her own. 'Later Daan', Jill says. 'Did I played a good game babe? I don't know, but it was better than the first game right?', Daan ask Beth a little insecure when she arrived at her own room. 'You played good Daan, much better then the other game.', Beth told her girl honestly. 'Okay thanks, but I think I can play better tho' 'I know you can better, but just grow during the tournament and you will play your best game in the final' 'Yeah true, wait I have the cutest foto ever from Amé', Daan says while sending the picture to Beth. Amé was there, sitting in a Holland jersey with Van de Donk on her back, pointing with her finger to Daan who was running with the bal. 'O my god, that's so cute. I miss her' 'Yeah same, well I have to go. Diner time', Daan says. 'Jep same for me, talk to you. Love you.' 'Love you, bye' 'Bye', Daan says.

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