Chapter 03: Cookin'...

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Waking up to a throbbing neck and the worried faces of my friends stuck in my face was not how I wanted ta come to.

"Yu, are you okay?" Gon asks, Leorio and Kurapika standing behind him. 'Thats right, Creeptastic clown knocked me out...' I thought. I reached up a hand to touch the back of my neck, and found my hood up.

I jolted fully awake, my now clear mind skipping over the 'How did I get here's and 'How's my hood up's because I realized that A) my hood was down when I was knocked out, and B) Gon and Leorio saw me with my hood down. Meaning my ears had been completely visible....fffffffudge.

I hopped to my feet and tried to bolt, but Gon caught my hand. I looked back at him, panicked, worried that I would see some horrified, repulsed or accusatory eyes staring back. But he just looked concerned.

"Yu, what's wrong?" He asked. I slowly stopped trying to tear my arm from his grip and stood, uncertain. "Ya saw?" I asked, reached up to put a protective hand on my head, feeling the faint bumps of my ears without their headband.

Gon's face cleared of confusion, though Kurapika, who hadn't been there looked pretty lost. "Yeah, what were those, you have cat ears? That's so cool, what are you?" Gon said, his face radiating genuine interest and not even a hint of revulsion.

I blinked "Ya mean us aren't creeped out? But I'm not human, shouldn't ya be a little unnerved?" I said, looking away. "No. Why would I be creeped out? Yugure is Yugure, no matter what you are" I looked up, surprised, into Gon's smiling face.

Kurapika still looked lost, but was smiling anyway, Leorio too was grinning. I hesitantly grinned back with my pointed teeth, still unsure. I was still so tense that when a voice spoke from behind me I nearly jumped out of my skin

"So if your not human, what are you?" I spun on a heel, coming face to face with a familiar white haired boy. I let out a startled "Nya!" And hopped strait up onto the branch of the tree I'd been leaning against when I woke.

I was crouched on all fours on the branch, and accidentally let out a hiss, feeling the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I quickly raised a hand to cover my mouth, appalled.

"Yu, come down, it's just Killua, he's trustworthy" Gon said, looking up at me, thank the Father of Felines I don't wear skirts...

I jumped down, landing lightly next to Gon, embarrassed. "Sorry, I was just a lil' surprised" I said, glancing at Killua, who was trying not to laugh.

I wanted to glare but...He looked so cute like that instead I had the urge to hug him...I mentally smacked myself. "So, what are you?" Killua asked again.

I watched them, deciding whether or not to tell. With a sigh I looked around, seeing if anyone was close enough to hear.

"I'm what you would call ah magical beast" I said quietly. They all stared "Really?!" Gon asked, I nodded. He grinned "That's so cool! What can you do?".

I sighed, since it was Gon, I wasn't really surprised at his reaction, but I was happy the others were taking it rather well.

In fact, at the moment, they all wore the same, curious expressions. I grinned, showing my teeth again. "I'm in general stronger and more durable than most humans, I can see better in the dark than you, and I have these" I lifted my hood enough to show Kurapika and Killua my ears "as well as my eyes, ah tail n'claws, other than that, I'm pretty much like a human, though many of my race have more catlike appearances than this, in fact I'm kinda weird considering that's all my inhuman features".

"Why are you hiding anyway?" Killua asked, putting his hands behind his head. "'Cause 'magical beasts' aren't allowed to take this exam" I said, adjusting my hood.

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