The First Summer Ava spent there (part 2)

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Ava then blinked at Fred. "What?" He said, looking at her. Orchid then said, "Shes probably zoning out." "maybe," George said, staring at Ava with a confused look. "HELLO? EARTH TO AVA!" He exclaimed. Ava snapped out of it. "Y-yes?" She replied. "Ah, back to normal, I see," Fred said, patting Ava on the head. Ava said, "So-um today are we going to Hogwarts..for me its gonna be 6th year.." Fred and George looked at each other and exchanged glances. "yes," they said in unison. "Ok," Ava said, smiling. Orchid then said, "fifth for me-" She was interrupted by Hermione an Ron in an heated argument. "I'M DONE! WE ARE DONE!" Ron yelled at Hermione.Hermione ran up to her room. Orchid ran after her, smacking Ron in the back of the head as she went by. "OW!" Ron yelled angrily. "Is this normal?" Ava asked, gesturing at Ron. "Yep," Fred and George said at the same time. "ok.." Ava said, then packing her stuff. "Am I going to apparate to Diagon Ally? I can't really apparate.." Ava said, nervous. "We'll make sure you get there differently," Fred and George said, smiling. "Ok, Thanks, " Ava said, smiling.

Meanwhile In Hermione's room...

"Its ok, Mione.." Orchid said, trying to comfort Hermione. "N-no Its not.." Hermione sobbed. Orchid then said, in a calm, soft voice, "Its ok, Mione..I'm right here.." Hermione then snuggled into Orchid, crying. "Mione..Its ok.. I know how you feel..." Orchid said, gently petting Hermione. Hermione was calming down, and Orchid then said in a soft voice, "better?" Hermione nodded and whimpered. Orchid then held her hand as they both got up and walked down the stairs. As they walked down the stairs, they both looked shocked as Fred and George were slightly panicking. "Back to the room?" Orchid asked. "Yea," Hermione said, then going into the room with Orchid and shut the door.

What happened in the kitchen...

As Ava then got up, she then seemed kind of dizzy. "I'm fine-Just nervous-" she fell to the floor, and Fred and George just looked at each other as they started to slightly panic. Fred then checked Ava's pulse. "Alive, just fainted," he said, gently placing her hand back down to the ground. Ava was still on the floor, and Fred and George were slightly panicking. "Oh gosh," Fred said, pacing back and forth, in worry.  They then heard a door opening and panicked even harder. They saw Hermione and Orchid walking down the hallway, and tried to act calm. Orchid then muttered something, and Hermione nodded, and they both headed back to her room. "what the heck-" Fred said, confused followed by a confused George saying, "was that all about?" Ava woke up slightly. "ugh, my head-" Fred sighed a sigh of relief in sync with George. Ava then looked confused. "What..?" Fred then helped Ava up. "You..erm- fainted-" He said, followed by George saying, "We don't know why though.." Ava then just brought her stuff to the door. "Shall we go to Diagon alley now?" She asked, wanting to go to Hogwarts. Harry then came down the stairs, sleepy.  He then said, "Hi Fred and George. Hi Ava, the second trouble-causer of Orchid-AVA? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" "Same as you," Ava said, looking at Harry.Hermione and Orchid walked back down the stairs and apparated out with their stuff for Hogwarts. Ava then grabbed her stuff and apparated out. She then saw Fred and George right behind her with Ginny, Ron, and Harry. Ava got her stuff for 6th year, and headed to the train station. She got on the train, and Fred and George sat with her. "So-" Fred said to her. "What are you doing?" George said, finishing Fred's sentence. Ava was drawing her and Fred at their own wedding like a crazy person. She hid her notebook and said, "Nothing." "Doesn't  look like nothing," Fred and George chorused. Ava then pulled out a book and said, "reading-" But she was writing fan fictions of her and Fred. "Ok," They both said, then saying, "What are you reading?" Ava then replied, getting shy,  "N-nothing you would enjoy.." Hermione came in, not realizing Fred and George were there, said, "How's the fan fiction going?" Ava then blushed and grabbed her notebook and sketchbook and ran out, blushing crazily. "Mione, what was that all about?" Hermione then said, "OH F-I DIDN'T SEE YOU GUYS-" She then ran out, embarrassed. Fred and George Had confused looks and just sat back and waited to be at Hogwarts.

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