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When Saturday finally came, Ava got up, and went down to the great hall. After breakfast, she was having fun in the courtyard with everyone, playing with sparks. Ava and everyone else was cheering and laughing. Even Hermione was having fun in that little group. Until the pink toad came in and ruined it. She took them away and Orchid almost attacked her out of anger, but Hermione stopped her. Ava was ticked off. Fred and George then said, "Aight we are doing that prank plan right now.."  "Ok," Ava said, then following Fred and George. Fred and George walked out to go to Hogesmede, but all trips were cancelled because of "Students not behaving and not studying". Ava then shouted, "ARE YOU *insert f-word*ING KIDDING ME?" Fred and George looked at Ava. "where did you learn that word from?" "Orchid..?" Ava said, then saying, "And she learned it from Ron sooooooo-yea" Fred and George then said, "Ok..." Ava then said, "Room of Requirement?" Fred and George agreed. They all walked to the Room of Requirement, and right before they turned the corner to go in, Umbridge showed up. She then said, "Are you 3 siblings?" she asked. "Yes, we are," Ava said, sarcastically. Umbridge then said, "Disrespectful, I see...Weasley, both of you, go to your dorms..Stay there until dinner!" She grabbed Ava's hand and took her to her office. "Now, tell me..What are the rules of being with the opposite gender friends of yours?" Ava then replied, "Eight inches away.." Umbridge said,"Correct,Okumura..Now tell me, why were you not following this rule?" Ava then replied in a snarky kind of  manner, "That rule is so *insert f-word*ing stupid! None of us are dating, and MY FRIENDS ARE MY FRIENDS!" Umbridge then said, "I have no choice..." She then pulled her wand out and said, "Cruccio!" Ava screamed in pain, and Umbridge said, "Tell me the truth!" Ava then said, " I did!" Umbridge continued to torture her, and when she thought it was enough, smacked her for being snarky, and said, "Out." Ava then walked out, hiding her pain. At dinner, Ava was still in pain, and Fred and George walked in, and saw Ava. "What happened,Ava?" Fred asked her. Ava was holding her tears back. "Umbridge used the curcaiter's curse on me.." Fred then said, "She did not-" Fred then hugged Ava, and was calming her down. "Shh,its ok, Ava..." Ava let go. Fred also let go. "feeling better?" Ava nodded slightly, but then walked out. "What's wrong with her?" Ron and Harry said, "We heard her screaming from the hallways.." Hermione then said, "I figured she saw a spider...I know she's scared of them.." Orchid seemed to be hiding her hands and arms. Hermione kept trying to grab them to make sure she wasn't hiding anything bad. "Come on, let me-" Orchid smacked Hermione's hand with her hoodie sleeve. "No." Hermione finally got a hold of her arm, and saw her hands and arms. "Orchid...Why are there cuts all over you hands and arms?"  Orchid teared up, and Hermione gently took her hand and said, "Orchid..we need to talk alone..." and they both walked out. Fred said, "Bet those two are secretly snogging-" and Ava slightly smiled. George said, "Yeah, bet they are-" Ava then said, "I have to go somewhere..See you...tomorrow?" Fred and George looked at eachother, then looked at Ava and nodded. "See you tomorrow!" they both said. Ava walked into a hallway, slumped against a wall, and started crying. "Why is this crush thing so hard?" Fred then walked in, alone, with some cupcakes. He sat down next to Ava. "Hey Ava-" He noticed she was crying. "Hey, what's wrong?" Ava said, "It still hurts...from earlier today.."  Fred then gave her a cupcake. "Want one?" Ava then looked up, her eyes glistening with tears. She took it and ate it. "You got a bit of frosting-" Fred said, pointing to her cheek. Ava blushed, and kept getting the wrong side. He then said, "Ava, you goofball!" He then gently grabbed her face and wiped the frosting off with his thumb, and said, "That's better, isn't it?" Ava then nodded and said, "Fred- you got a bit of frosting too!" she did the same thing Fred did, and looked at the time. "I best be going to bed-See you tomorrow!" She then kissed him on the head, and left. Fred then slightly blushed. "Did she just-I'm getting her back when I get the courage to do it.." George walked in and said, "Oi, Freddie, What are you doing on the floor, mate?" Fred then said, "Talking to Ava-but she just left.." George then said, "Ok..." Fred knew he had to confess to Ava. But he just couldn't do it. He was too scared for now. He would confess on Valentine's day.

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