I'm here for you, always...

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Ava found the next couple days harder with Umbridge being a total jerk. Ava felt like an outcast, and it seemed as if she was alone. She looked at a photo album and saw her, her family, and pictures of her and Orchid. "I miss the days where we'd run around and play..and miss the love memories, and playing in the rain...life was so easy..until we grew up into teens.." and she hen started to tear up from her memories.  She put away her photo album, and then flash backed to when she accidentally killed her parents. She remembered the smell of the fire she set, and the shattered glass, and a broken lantern.She  "calmly" walked out of her room, and started to panic. Fred saw her, and went up to her. "Ava, you ok?" he asked, then gently holding her hand. Ava shook her head. "F-fire..." She mumbled. He then said, confused, "Could you explain that? fire.. what do you mean by that?" Ava then said, "Don't think of me badly when you hear this.." Fred then said, "Why would I?" Ava then said," Well, here is the story... " and she then sighed, and began to tell Fred. "After I got my magic, I would have random spasms of it. One day, I wanted to kill my parents...but I didn't...until my stupid magic kicked in and I couldn't control it..I-I knocked over a lantern  that was lit.  It set everything on fire that wasn't me, and My parents burned to death...I had a narrow escape..Every muggle out there thinks I'm dead...So I can't go into the muggle world..." She then teared up. Fred then said, "Sorry you had to go through that.." Ava then hugged him. "I'll be here, always!" Ava said, holding onto him. Fred then said, "Ava..I'm here if you want to talk... and I'll always be here for you...always.." He said, smiling. Ava smiled back, then hugged him. Fred then gently stroked her hair. "Hey, wanna go to Hogesmeade with me?" Ava then nodded. Fred then took her to a secret passageway, and George was with them, being a third wheel. "Y'all can make out in here-its the perfect spot-No light-" Ava almost punched George in the face when Fred picked Ava up and said, "Don't punch my twin brother please-" "Fine bae-"Ava cut herself off. "DANG IT! I PROMISED MYSELF I WOULD NOT DO THAT-" Fred laughed slightly.  "That's cute-" he said, smiling. Ava then said, "Its low key annoying tho-" Fred then said in a quiet voice, "Nothing's wrong with that, Avy-Wavy.." Ava then said in a annoyed tone, "I almost slapped you for calling meh that!"  Fred then said in the same tone, "Understandable.." and he kissed her on the cheek. "Sorry Ava-" And George then being a third wheel was being annoying, "OH GET A ROOM YOU TWO!" Ava then was really mad. "SHUT THE FRICK UP!" She snapped, and it was dead silent. They then got into The Three Broomsticks, and had butterbeer there, and was having fun. Then Umbridge came in and spoiled it. "Detention for all three of you," She said in her annoying voice.  Ava groaned, annoyed. Fred then said, "I'll take Ava's detention-It was my idea after all.." "Fine.." Umbridge said in her annoying voice, angering the three of them. Ava then walked back to the castle. "I should ask him out..." she muttered to herself. She then said to herself it was a great idea and liked it. After dinner, she went to bed and fell asleep. Little did she know what would happen the next day.

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