Chapter 4

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"Two littol monkeys jumpin on da couch one fell off and got an ouchy!-" I giggled mischievously and pushed Remington off of the couch. It was all fun and games until he got an actual ouchy...

"REMI!!!" I yelled when I seen his head hit the edge of the small glass table.

"Ouch..." he whined in a slightly deep voice and groaned in pain. I watched as he shut his eyes tightly and bit down on his bottom lip.  "Hurts.." he whimpered and I blushed.

Why the fuck am I blushing? What about this situation is turning me on??? What the actual fuck.

"Are you okay Remington?" I asked fully out of little space. I knew he wasn't okay, he appeared to be in a lot of pain. I wonder if he'll cry...

Fucking stop naughty brain !

He looked up at me with big doe eyes and grabbed my hand. I stared perplexed at what he was going to do next. He lifted my hand and placed it where he had hit his head and I gently brushed my thumb against the spot.

"Ouchy." He pouted and I immediately felt bad.Guilt overtook my headspace and I was full on little again. Had I really just pushed him off the couch? .... For fun???

"I sowwy Remi. You wan bandaid?" I asked not knowing what else to do.

"Uh Huh." He nodded with his eyes shut and I quickly scrambled to my feet.

"Okay! Don't move!" I ran as fast as I could to the downstairs guest bathroom even though I'm not supposed to be running in the house. It's okay though because my daddies are gone anyways. When I reached the bathroom I fell to my hands and knees and opened up the cabinet underneath the sink.

"Bandaids bandaids bandaids..." I whispered as  I searched for the hello kitty printed case of bandaids. I had begged Elijah for them when we went shopping for clothes a few weeks ago.

"Found it!!" I yelled in excitement. I snatched the box and ran back to the living room where Remington was. He opened his eyes when he heard me come in and I crawled over to him.

"You wanna put it on?" I asked as I handed him the box. He giggled when he seen it.

"I can't put that on it's for girlsss." He gave a dimpled smile and I giggled too.

"Well it's not just for girls." I rolled my eyes playfully as I started to take out the bandaid myself. "One time Daddy was cutting me fruit and he accidentally cut his finger and I put one of these around it and he got Magically betters." I beamed remembering how silly Magnus thought the hello bandaid was.

"Hmm Okay fine." Remington gave in and I smiled and scooted closer to him. I could see the cut more clearly on the corner of his forehead now that it was swelling up. I pouted feeling a bit guilty. "It doesn't hurt as much as you think it does..." he mumbled in a small voice and our eyes connected. I couldn't tell if he was just trying to be nice or if he really felt that way.

"You pinky promise ?" I asked as I carefully placed the bandaid on his head and smoothed it out. Before I could pull my hand away he grabbed my pinky with his and locked it tight.

"I pinky promise." He nodded with certainty and I believed him.

"Okay! What should we do next?" I asked wanting to do something fun.

"Hmm we can go play in the backyard?" Remington suggested.

"Last ones a rotten egg!" He yelled and I stared in confusion and watched as he ran full speed out of the living room.

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